Community of Madrid (Spain)

It's a military infrastructure of the very country that started the war, period.

Community of Madrid (Spain)


El jamĂłn todavĂ­a se me hace bola a veces jajaja

Community of Madrid (Spain)

The real eco-terrorists are fossil fuel companies destroying our future. I'm convinced that sabotaging ecocidal infrastructure (always with utmost care of not killing anybody) is in my opinion totally moral and necessary to nudge society in the correct direction of supplying ourselves sustainably. In the near future the costs of keeping this fossil fuel-addicted system will be very dear in terms of lives, so let's not underestimate how important it is to change fast.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Indeed, sabotaging ecocidal infrastructure (always with utmost care of not killing anybody) is in my opinion totally moral and necessary to nudge society in the correct direction of supplying ourselves sustainably. In the near future the costs of keeping this fossil fuel-addicted system will be very dear in terms of lives, so let's not underestimate how important it is to change fast.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Fingers crossed that becomes true. Meanwhile, I think they'll be first placed, but without absolute majority. Leftists are very ready to vote for macronists for the sake of stopping a RN candidate from being elected, but when it comes to macronist voters, not all will. Most will, I think, but still a very, very substantial amount who won't. The result will be an awkward parliament where forming a government is nearly impossible.

There is an otherwise completely unremarkable BBC article with a typo saying "Rishi Sunk" instead of Rishi Sunak. That's so funny.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

That doesn't look much cheaper than in Spain, so I'm guessing that's quite expensive for Bosniak standards.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

People who don't want foreigners haven't reached that conclusion in a void. Such xenophobia has been promoted by the right's moral panic against migrants, which has been given credibility or at least legitimacy in much of the media. That's how you turn a non-issue into one of the main concerns of voters. You're being very contradictory because you blame the economic downturn on the demographic crisis (I think it's the way round, though now there's a feedback loop), but then you complain about migrants alleviating the severity of that crisis. Citing unironically the conspiracy theory of "great replacement" is a fascist dog whistle. The term anti-Christian sentiment exists, but it's not relevant in the West. Again, whites playing victim. I dislike all religions.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

I was able to read it without paywall on my computer. Indeed on my phone there's a paywall. That's quite odd.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Oppressors playing victim. Even suggesting that white bigots are being scapegoated is such audacity. There's a real problem of hatred against LGBT, Muslims and feminism, and those who are to blame have to be pointed out. To be clear, that bigotry doesn't only originate in "white christian men" (although I would say it's more prevalent among white men). There are far-right women who are anti-feminist, anti-migrants and homophobic. I think that even descendants of migrants can hop on the trend of xenophobia against new migrants. What you're saying is very ridiculous.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Although I'm confident about the figures I read, I can't find where. I have found in Ipsos France that out of those who in 2022 voted for MĂ©lenchon, 77% who also voted last Sunday did it for NFP, 3% for Ensemble and 9% to RN. When it comes to those who voted for Macron, 14% to NFP, 56% to Ensemble and 8% to RN. For those who voted Le Pen, 2% NFP, 2% Ensemble and 89% RN. That is of course first round. Behaviour in the second round based on first round voting is what I can't find data on.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Immigrants are not only a non-issue, but also alleviating the demographic crisis. The real issue concerning migrants is xenophobia. Other issues are climate change (not ecologist activists), hatred against LGBTIQ+ (instead of fake claims of sexual indoctrination), anti-feminism (not feminism) and the anti-worker agenda.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Also the left is compromising only on changing their names? Because that's all you are showing.

No, the names aren't being changed. For example, PSOE is "Spanish Socialist Workers' Party", but they're not very leftist. Their actions are very different to what being leftist is: de facto anti-migrant even if they do call out the far-right's xenophobia and the regular right's drift to the far-right. PSOE also has a transphobia problem. Danish Social Democrats managed to stop losing votes by adopting stances on migration which are akin to the far-right. That's not a victory, that's selling themselves to the devil.

What I'm trying to say is that in order to consolidate power they will back down on their policies.

They're still managing to normalise some talking points that used to be fringe. The far-right has changed scapegoats, and now Islamophobia is seen as respectable by many, while in the past it was Antisemitism what was most common. Not that the latter doesn't exist anymore, but the former has certainly become very trendy. Fascists just need scapegoats.

I think this article puts it well: https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/06/28/far-right-populism-france-rn-le-pen-trump-united-states-modi-india-majoritarianism/

Community of Madrid (Spain)

How about mainstream parties solve the immigration problem by stopping irregular immigration?

OK, then stop doing neocolonial ravage to the countries of origin, pay reparations for colonialism and climate change and also provide ways for legal migration. Then irregular migration will be solved. The far-right will still find ways to whine, of course, since its raison d'ĂŞtre is hating some people and migrants are very convenient scapegoats.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

I read somewhere that most centrist voters would still prefer NPF over RN, but that the majority isn't very overwhelming (60%, but I don't remember where I read it so check before believing), whereas for NPF voters it's 99%.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Thank you for putting it so well. I wish you all the best for this Sunday. Also the other comment about how the "centre" or centre-right has enabled the far-right.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Because Danish Social Democrats have emulated the far-right on immigration so they can avoid losing more votes. That's selling their values for votes, not a victory.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

where is the left compromising

This has been happening since the late 19th century: social democracy. And since the 80s social democrats have further evolved to being liberals who hold roses and that's it (though of course there are more social democrats coming from more recent socialist parties; for example, Syriza).

and the what is the far right in France doing that is fascist

The racism is insane. Just heard in the radio that far-right voters claim that France is becoming more "savage". People are just calling migrants and descendants of migrants (of course, unless they're white, probably) savages. That's a way of saying they're Untermensch.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Then how come the far-right ruled in so many countries before 1999?

Community of Madrid (Spain)

There is no alternative. Get back to work, kid.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Or even in 1931 a strike was shot down in Sweden.

Community of Madrid (Spain)

Not saying that Russia doesn't interfere, but I'm totally convinced that the far-right's main fuel isn't Russia. In fact, that Russia is negligible in size in comparison with other sources of the far-right's rise in recent years. Let me explain why I say so: at least in Spain, the far-right (and also the regular right since roughly the start of the pandemic) has several well-defined sources of appeal. One is the territorial problem of Spanish nationalism vs. Catalan, Basque and Galician nationalism. Another one is anti-immigration sentiment. And the third one is anti-wokeness or basically anti-feminism, anti-LGBT, racism, climate change denial, etc. Most far-right people here care only about domestic issues, and when it comes to international issues, they generally side with Ukraine. Oh, and a great, great majority of them are staunchly pro-Israel, or at least that's what I get from politicians' comments and social media comments.

In other words, if we want to fight the far-right in Europe, we must have a realistic picture of its motivations. Russia is far-right and they're friends with great parts of Europe's far-right, but the main source of this ideology is to be found within our societies.