Lol you weren’t “tricked”, you are a jerk.

You were way off the whole time, it was clear you were being awkward and pushing the vibes to a bad place.

She was 100% right in her read of you.

You wanted an easy date at your place “because the amenities” and she wanted effort shown. You then made it “clear” that there were “no expectations” which is a super duper weird thing to say. You knew that, which is why you were all “lol never mind” but you had shown your hand already.

Also, I recall this from earlier. Either you’re a bot or you’ve posted this a lot. Don’t like your answers? Stop posting it and grow up.

You are wrong.

Girl all you did was prove him right…. Don’t do this. Don’t be this person. End things and move on.

Your dream life should align with your partner’s dream life.

If this doesn’t align, as it is a huge aspect of your life, you need to end the relationship. Find someone who has the same values, someone who wants to join and support your interests and perspectives.

You and me both, friend. I do not understand it. Grosses me out that it is everywhere. Can’t escape it even on non-porn related subs!


This is not a legitimate post, it is for porn.

She posted it in 4 different communities and then is “privately messaging a question” to people who engage more positively from a sex/body perspective.

While I have not commented yet, I do want to point out I think a lot of people here are irritated by two things OP has done.

1- she waited until THE DAY OF the wedding to ask for help. Had she asked weeks before, people would have been so kind and given links and supportive comments and she would have been able to acquire an appropriate dress in time.

2- she is not taking feedback well. Like, at all. Her reading comprehension seems to be failing her (look at the “wear the undergarments” chain of comments) and she is… I guess not being accountable for her role in why this is “depressing”.

I think some people really don’t like those two things so the harshness and criticism are coming out. I will say, most of the comments seem fairly kind and positive still. There are a few that are pretty harsh.

We shouldn’t be mean here, and at the same time, people need to understand their role in why negative situations happen so they can adjust and do better. Ie- OP needs to learn how to shop for this and to prioritize a timeline that ensures success.

OR maybe she doesn’t care that much about this wedding so it’s fine!

Why are you privately messaging a few people “questions”?

This feels like a scam or an OF advertisement now.

You are not overreacting. This is an asshole.

Sometimes we lose people due to their choices or other things out of our control and it sucks but there is nothing that can be done.

This will fade as you age, but keeping him in your life exposes you to harm and danger.


It is easy.

It is also excruciatingly painful.

But the actual logistics of a break up when you are this age and at this stage in your life are very easy.

You do not have shared finances, children, pets, living space, or… anything. You’re two young people learning how to date.

This person is not your forever. Move on. Rip that bandaid off and go get an education, a job, a life before you decide to sign up to a lifetime of being cheated on.

Life experience will help this fade and help you realize how much more you deserve.

Because the equivalent to “girls” is “boys”.

The equivalent to “men” is “women”.

To hold “men” and “girls” infantilizes women and keeps them as a non-adult, non-peer, non-aging group. I have found this pops up in disregard and disrespect for women and their interests.

It’s not the most serious or bad thing, but I have found that every person who says “men” and “girls” for ADULT women are sexist and struggle to take women seriously.

What DO you have in common with your friends? Why aren’t you finding women who share interests? What “girly” interests do you not have in common to such an extreme that it causes conflict?

It reads like you see men as full humans and women as “girls” who are children.

Gently: the language you use shows deeply held sexism

You call men “men” in your post and women “girls”.

Yes, you are the problem at least somewhat. You seem to hold judgment towards other women’s interests and have some internalized sexism.

What the fuck dude. You are SO wrong.

You should be having those open, vulnerable, intimate, honest discussions about sex, preferences, etc WITH YOUR WIFE

And only with your wife. This is so gross. My husband would never disrespect me like this.

Your sex life is PRIVATE unless you are in a relationship that has clearly communicated non-traditional boundaries.

You shouldn’t be friends with this dude anymore. Not if you are going to be more honest and open with him that your fucking wife. Get with it.


All 3 of them were using you as a replacement father figure/husband.

Glad you are away from them. Never let them back in to your life. Choose your wife and baby and a better life.

What about him do you love?

How does he make you feel loved?

Child welfare 🌿 not even a joke 🌿

The way their faces react in that little exchange is… wow. I would be heartbroken if my husband ever made those faces at what I was saying. He literally never would, he respects me.

Child welfare 🌿 not even a joke 🌿

They post clear fetish DD/LG stuff and then she matches with her girls. It truly worries me.

It’s really really not all men. My husband and I are atheists. My husband truly doesn’t watch porn. A growing number of men are being more vocal about being anti-porn and seeing the industry as damaging to everyone and sexist.

Your dude is broken and sexist. You should not be doing sex acts you don’t want to.

Hey, so, friends don’t threaten each other.

She isn’t your friend. Remove her from your life.

Child welfare 🌿 not even a joke 🌿

….I wonder if it was a racial thing.

Child welfare 🌿 not even a joke 🌿

It’s even worse. She’s been asking to receive it as a gift for 4 years, HE got it for her, saying she’s finally deserving of it.

4 years. For a panini press. It is not a flex and she thinks it is. Wild.

Child welfare 🌿 not even a joke 🌿

Kerning is the space between two typed letters (or numbers, or any characters, really). Kerning is also the act of adjusting this space between characters.

Please know this: the ability to have honest and open communication is THE foundation to a successful relationship.

My husband and I have been through multiple deaths, personal hospitalization, huge expenses, and aging together. The shame and insecurity is a relationship killer. We watch as many of our friends’ relationships fail. We hold to the core: honest fact sharing is the only way forward

It will be all of it: sickness, age, debt, travel, caregiving, stress, joy, love - all of it together.

This is going to be your life partner.

Open up, share your life.

Make it easier together.

Good luck! Have fun, have a good time, and be completely honest about everything. Having crucial conversations and learning how to navigate together is the key. That is the path to success. Share with her even that fact, that you are going to be completely honest with her forever and you are looking forward to figuring out everything together.

Agree completely. FYI in this sentence it is “they are” or “they’re” family.

“But they’re family!” Is one of the worst takes, I completely agree with you.