Chief Garry

The only sign that's new here is the one he's holding, the 3 on the back of his truck have been there for a while. But I imagine he did write up several new signs to hold for the next few weeks pretty quick lol.

Right into the garbage with the pre approved credit cards then. This is nice and all but petitions are a joke.

Right into the spam folder to be deleted without a single human eye looking at it


What is stopping dude from factory resetting that bitch?

Well, not wanting to be ostracized by your peers and family for one. Even though you are absolutely right that she abuses the hell out of him, he is the older brother, and he is expected to "take the high road", especially when he's seen as the delinquent and his sister is the one that's successful.

On top of that, most of her abuse is related to the whole sneaking into her room at night to play erotic visual novels thing which would be incredibly difficult to explain away, especially when Kirino is trying her hardest to hide her hobby from everyone.

"Why did you kick him in the nuts?" Without revealing her hobby like she specifically is trying not to, it just looks like he's snooping in his little sisters closet, which makes him look bad.

Again, I agree that Kirino treats Kyousuke like shit a lot, but she has her reasons to lash out (even if they are impulsive and childish ((because she's an impulsive child))) and he has reasons not to just punch her the fuck out.

On the other hand, FUCK Kyousuke for not choosing Kuroneko, my OG #1 Waifu forever and all time.

They're mad because they're racist.

Chief Garry

My boyfriend and I golf. You aren't the only one out there.

Opening section is playing as a white samurai amd you have to fight Yasuke and it's impossible to win, then perspective change to Yasuke. This will kill all Gamers instantly.

If there's a warning, that would make me think that it wouldn't be covered under warranty if it did get damaged.

Well, Leto II SAYS he saved humanity: but because he took the actions he did, we can never know if the Golden Path was the only way or the best way. As the only being with prescience that powerful, no one can ever confirm that's truly what he saw.

I'm in the same situation as you. I was using the digital key for about two months, but I was having trouble getting it to open my door. I have an android phone, so it's supposed to be in like, the middle of the phone, but for some reason it just wouldn't open sometimes, and I'd have to sit there for sometimes up to 2 or 3 minutes trying to get it to open. I recently went back to carrying to dumb fob, and it's much more convenient even though size wise it takes up as much space by itself as the rest of my keys.

This must be what my upstairs neighbors 2 dogs must be doing at all times

Chief Garry

I think the general idea, not that I agree with it, is that it forms a shared experience to start forming bonds upon. It's the shared story that only those in the group know, which makes you part of the group once you experience it.

We just call ourselves "The Negotiators" because we're so good at negotiating.

This would kill me instantly

Alec probably already has a mahjong addiction that he's somehow hiding.

It is, but on the other hand, building your perfect hand and ronning someone when they're talking shit is euphoric

"If I throw you into a mind flayer vessel, and all that comes out is your brain... you're PROBABLY dead!"

Jotaro is already married to Kanan though.

It was the year I felt free from the yoke of capitalism and actually was able to do most of what I wanted whenever I wanted, and it was great... as long as I didn't think about the million(s) of people dying and the people that still had to work that were treated like less than garbage.

Chief Garry

Spokane Transit is entry level. You need to have had your license for 5 years and have a relatively good driving record, but other than that you're good. They train you, and you get paid during said training.

Wow, that black makes it look slick.