only i could think of right now : you both were full and picked an item up the exact same time and it dropped back to ghe ground for both of you and then you went somwhere else and you both got the item send cause the Game thought you both have it cause you both picked it up at the same time.

But im not sure if items get assigned to one of you after the drop to ground already

yeah something like that could be possible.

Do you both see the same loot ? cause on PC players only see their own but i think thats not possible on coop on the same console and. if you click on loot with full inventory does it get send to your stash or get dropped on the ground again ? if yes maybe both of you had full inventory or smth then clicked on the item the same time.

/Edit : nvm you wrote stuff missed thats how it works on pc aswell i thought you can click on it after inventory is full und you send it to the missed items stash

id say none only salvage duplicates but to still awnser :

Your old Harlequin for sure cause you get at least the same back and maybe Andys cause you have Harlequin on your head anyway

Is that Coop On Console? if yes it looks like something specific to that

i love helping other people in Diablo. Like sometimes at maiden some people are leveling and invite them for the 5% xp Buff and then i drop them useful 925 gear i would just trash with good stats especially Barbs eat good then.

Temper Bash Cleave on all weapons Equip Bash Spell Press Win

yeah all of that only matters with the bleed variants and you need Grandfather etc for these

not Sure but id keep the left one. Perfect Cast Twice chance + Dmg to CC

wow disgusting xD Congratz on those and i cant even get a crit ga and heavy hand non ga ammy...

dont we want to use Swords? or does it not matter

but 5k to 500 is 10:1 :D so what now 5:1 (5k to 1k) or 10:1 (5k to 500) ?

oh no you are on console ? if yes im sorry i am on pc and there it works for sure it opens a window and then there is abutton confirm reset my Bad but im glad the Problem is solved now

ah nearly same as me only difference i have heartseeker and andy

ah okay you want to do rotations in a full group so you get like 4 kills for 2 Stygians used each person, instead of the 1 kill you get for doing it alone. You get 20 Kills out of 10 Stones in Group and only 5 if U use them for yourself solo

bro im talking about the other items you use together with grandfather... like Crit DMG Temper on 1H Swords and 2h Mace and Amulet and i never said Grandfather Crit Chance GA ofc i mean Gloves Amulet and both Rings Crit Chance GA. like damn what is this comment bet you even disliked my comment for that

yeah id say GF last aswell cause he can use the Polearm Variant. id say Starless Skie for Ressource if he struggles with that otherwhise Shako

how many Tormented Boss rotations in 4 man group you did ? 2 is really unlucky :/

Feel your pain, did Tormented runs got a Andariels and salvaged for 4th Spark, crafted Shako and continued with the formented rota runs the next kill a shako dropped xD I learned that day that you craft a Uber only after you have 0 Stygians and did all the tormented runs you can do at that moment

Grandfather only works wifh really good gear Crit Chance GA and Crit DMG tempers from rouge.

if you have 0 Ubers and you play Bash you go for Harlequin Crest First for sure, 4 Levels Bash and all Shouts + 20% Flat Dmg reduction and really good stats. thats a no brainer but he said WW anyway so its Starless Skie if struggles with Ressource if not its still Harlequin

Yeah its Chest Piece or Harlequin especially as Barb. (Except WW then Maybe Starless Skie Ring first)

Grandather only worth it with Rouge Tempers and a ton of Crit Chances GA

Harlequin Best all Around and used in mostly every Build and is great for leveling

edit: sry just saw you ww barb so only go Shako if you dont struggle with Ressources otherwise go Starless Skies

yes same still 33 days left more than 1/3 of the whole season and i want to try out Sorc Druid and change my Barb to Thorns. Its never to late to start especially for Lilith Altar and Renown if its the first time playing

at 7 chars whats the 2nd char you have twice besides druid ?

Just play now i keep playing Till the end for sure this time aswell still want to test out sorc Druid and thorns barb. Maybe prices start to go down a bit finally soon aswell.

And if you never did renown or Lilith Altars then at least do that this season so you dont have to do it again next season.

And you still can do Endgame stuff you have 1 Month left thats more than enough time to get ready for Killing tormented bosses and Doing pit 100+. It took me a week to get there from Zero

the whole season is 85 Days you have 32 Days or 33 if we include August 6th left thats more thats 37.5% of the season left idk why people say the season is over, maybe if you started day 1 but not everyone did...