It’s a bunch of old heads and dudes who don’t wanna get injured. Except for Ant and Hal

If he beats Jones for heavyweight belt yeah he’s the new goat for sure

0 evidence, all based on vibes. Just like those losers anti science people

Keep your name in the headlines. Smart

I can’t wait for this guy to KO Max and see these haters cry hahahaha

Destiny has that effect on women😏

Ngl if Trump wins, as a Canadian, I can’t help but think the slow tumble of a ounce great nation would have begun.

Izzy beat him their first fight

If I was American I would vote for this guy even if he was on his death bed if it meant keeping dictator wannabe out of office.

This is a incredibly delusional post blaming Reddit for people not posting much about the presidential debate on subs not directly related to politics. Get help dude

Emmet didn’t get KOed by ilia but I mean he got dominated all 5 rounds. And Emmet is supposed to be a top contender at fw.

Ilia will do his thing. We will see when the fight happens.

Hopefully soon. Ilia will shut up his doubters again

It’s so strange and evil. I guess racism is bad except when it targets Indians. What else is anyone supposed to take from this. I know part of the reason indians get shit on is because of Muslims who hate them