I always triple check my work. Example oil change. Check tightness when putting the plug or filter on. Double check after both oil and filter. Triple check after doing the pressure check. Not one time have I had a rig come back in the 20 years I’ve been doing this.

I actually prefer used and I’ll go all the way down to the 1950 and even older if given the chance and it’s not totally f’d up. I’d rather have something that was built to last than anything 2000 and newer b

It’s always the moms from my experience. The fathers couldn’t care less. In fact many of them, my dad included, loved it. My brother in law would end up usually starting mid wars with my nieces when their mom was out of town.

I used to drink one, maybe two, every couple of days, but once I hit 40, it tapered down to one or two a year.

My cousins, best friend and his sister, my neighbors, etc. I only remember one other girl who was allowed to get dirty.

It still happens quite often today. My SIL never allowed my nieces to go out and play in the dirt or mud because they needed to keep the clothes clean and girls just shouldn’t be getting dirty.

When I was growing up in the 80’s the majority of girls I knew weren’t allowed to play in the mud.

Myself (F) and my 14M were like that when we were younger. I played with Barbie’s like a “normal” girl, but when I got bored with them, GI Joe, the autobots, He-man and Shera usually ganged up on her and cut her head off lol. Skipper was a different matter; she was always my favorite and no one touched her.

Now, against my husband’s (his dad) wishes, I allowed him to play with Barbie’s and his favorite stuffy was, probably still is, his pink poodle. I explained to my husband that it was different than me, just the opposite sex. He reluctantly agreed.

Anyways, I will say, and not sure if this really has anything to do with it, but I personally don’t like the color pink, but I’m actually glad that for the most part it’s socially acceptable for boys to wear it. Sorry, just had to get that out.

This is why I hate gross pay. That’s what they’re going off of it sounds like. But now I’m considering just going with a chapter 7 after reading this and the comments because there’s no way with having kids that I could afford anything like that.

Can my son use cash at the anime impulse in Seattle?Question

The website is confusing. It says no, but it also says they have tons of ATM’s. Sorry, first time for going to one.

It’s been like that for me since the last update

Then what should I be looking for? I’m just not sure and i was under the impression that it would better for my credit.

Looking for a good bankruptcy lawyer in The South Seattle area and chapter 7 or 13?

Planning on filing Chapter 13 if possible as from what I’ve been reading, this is better for credit. Is that true?

Also did you see one in the south Seattle area that you liked?

I think you have a Sasquatch on yours. I’ve only found this one and a pair of flip flops on the cowling.

It’s on the corner of new Gladiator’s

I know why your day that, but anytime I see it, I always remember that’s Hitler’s bday and really didn’t want my son to be born that day 😆

When I started reading into food dyes and what they’re connected to, my family quit those and our moods (11m and 14m kids included) has made a huge turnaround.

Just have your husband call after the baby is born. When you get there, tell the staff what the plan is and why. They will most likely understand why. And when she gets upset that you didn’t tell her right away, just say there was no time. It was too quick of a birth.

I couldn’t agree more. I’m sure they know what that is. And OP doesn’t haven’t to go into detail about what kind of surgery.

It doesn’t seemed well liked, or maybe I’ve just missed the actual posts of people liking it, but I’ve never seen them do Panic Station except on YouTube. Of course I’ve only seen them once, so maybe that one?

Guiding Light is actually in top 10 list for them. I think you’re right about the lyrics but the music is beautiful.

Thanks, but he actually got a few of those sets for his birthday 😊

My results are that they did that and the sim worked. So I’m stuck with it because they said everything checks out fine which it obviously doesn’t and I don’t have enough money to get a new one. There are my results!