Just like Larissa. All she needed (imo) was a nose job, and once she got it, she looked absolutely stunning. Why she made herself so deformed looking (also imo) is beyond me.

Jamal's feet look like they have bunions. 🤢

The same thing happened to me! I've lost about 30 lbs. and though my jeans are now a little big on me, I haven't dropped a size yet. I'm pretty disappointed.

I thought I was the only one who thought his face looked smushed.

That's a shame, and I'm really sorry to hear that. Has she looked into the compound form? Many people here take it and have had great results. It's much cheaper, too.

If she can get Wegovy, then go for it! That's something my insurance won't pay for because right now it's only approved for weight loss. I'm still surprised your daughter's insurance won't cover it. I wish her luck.

So she's going to do the same with her kids, so they'll never be responsible for anything and also wind up living off their grandparents.

I know, right?!?!? "Unexpectedly, " as in not using any birth control.

So can I, for the most part.

Not to mention her working at home. As a doctor, she wouldn't have any more time to spend with the baby than she does working outside the home. He's being selfish and a big baby himself.

That's horrible! Who takes care of your medical needs right now? Anyone?

What you need to do is very simple. FIND A NEW DOCTOR! I wish you the best of luck. 🤞

She needs a good ironing.

He laughs in her face a lot when she's angry at him. Every time I see him do that, I want to slap that grin right off his face. I despise him. Always have.

I truly believe it is. She always raves about how good the sex is. She's even implied that she doesn't mind the fights because of how good the make-up sex is.

What dose were you on when your appetite, etc. came back, and what did you do about that? That happened to me at 1, so I upped it to 1.5 last week, and things haven't changed. Not yet, anyway. I don't know what to do, to be honest.

Your daughter needs a serious ass kicking. And who tf does she think she is trying to tell an adult what to do? Also, your saying that when she says she will do something SHE WILL ABSOLUTELY DO IT. You definitely need to put a stop to that. Before you know it, or perhaps it's already happening, she's going to be ordering YOU around. She needs to be put in her place NOW! I'll bet she's a bully in school, too.

I think he just might get hurt physically. She had already risked leaving him completely alone in a public place. Who knows what else she's capable of doing? It sounds like she's got some serious issues, and I agree she needs help..