You have one data point, $170-180mwh, and you're redefining that as $30-$180mwh.

Wow, the Chinese with their 37 new power plants generating power would be surprised to hear that.

What did these plants cost? What would it cost a Western government to make equivalent reactors? You're dreaming, you have no idea what these plants cost or whether or not they are good investments. China is doing that because they need nukes, not for utility power.

I came over here just to see how this sub was reacting and it is truly bizzaro land. The faux Dutch scene I think might have been the funniest QC ever. And y'all are still here hate-reading.

Vogtle is the only new plant that is generating power, and it is estimated that the cost is $170-$180/Mwh. Solar and wind must be paired and you have to do a good project. to get to $30/Mwh, but you can get there. Solar and wind are also continuing to fall in price while there is no evidence that nuclear costs are going to fall, you're making that up and ignoring the actual reality.

Nuclear was competitive 10 years ago. And that was based on cost projections that have proven to be incredibly rosy (back to the disaster that is Vogtle, which you keep bringing up as if it were a success rather than a huge boondoggle.)

Nuclear is no longer competitive.

Nuclear is expensive. It's so expensive that it starts to make sense to have a big solar farm making flammable gas in the desert and then shipping the gas to the pole if you need power there. Your worldview is incredibly myopic and you want to use your gold-plated hammer to solve every problem whether or not it's a nail.

The faux-dutch thing was one of the funniest QC panels in a while. This little conversation has been great.

Only thing that matters is how many watts it generates in a year. The solar is going to generate way more for the same money. Storage is going to be cheaper than nuclear.

People literally showed up at the Capitol on his behalf and staged a coup. You're woefully ignorant of history if you think you can just ignore an attempted coup.

Somebody says they're going to go buy a gun then come back and shoot you, do you think it's healthy to ignore them? What if they hired someone to kill you previously, and the person they hired failed?

"Hey guys, this dude joined your club with five members and agrees with me that your club is dumb and you should support my club instead."

The Terrapower one is the only new reactor, and the design is not done, and it's not really a utility reactor, it's a research project. $2.6 billion for a 345 megawatt project is as bad as Vogtle. Nobody is going to be interested in building those unless they can cut the cost to $500 million. And by the time they do that they might need to cut the cost to $250 million to be feasible. And I just don't see any evidence that's going to happen. Everything we've seen suggests that $2 billion for 345 megawatts is typical which is why nobody is investing other than Bill Gates who has more money than he knows what to do with.

For $2 billion you can build 2 gigawatts of solar. For the $30 billion they spent on Vogtle you could build 30 gigawatts of solar compared to the 4 GW Vogtle plant. Think about that. The sun isn't always shining but even at a 25% capacity factor the 30 gw solar plant is still producing more power for the same price.

Decade-old approved permits are not the same thing as planned projects.

Regulators OK Fermi 3, but DTE has no plans to build it

Could you point out which of those reactors someone is actually planning to build?

OK, but it feels like there have been like 15 minutes worth of plot this entire season. There are no bottle episodes, and the story arc is just some weird magic mumbo jumbo.

The "push" is a single reactor, which was more than double over budget. There are zero new utility nuclear projects planned in the US. Research is great. I don't think it's going to pan out and there are zero economical designs that are ready today. The main thing in your article you linked is "support to keep existing nuclear plants from shutting down" which is not a new nuclear push so much as trying to salvage the death throws of a bunch of reactors that need to be shut down.

Sorry when I said "they're not pushing nuclear for utility power" I meant the US. Vogtle only demonstrates how much disdain America has for nuclear power. Nobody is going to try to make another actual production reactor for a decade at least. And prices just aren't coming down, even in China where they are actually trying. If it were actually possible Gates would be building cheap reactors in China by now, he has been working on this for 20 years, billions of dollars, and not a single production reactor to show for it.

There's "no competition" because you can't compete with free. But Kagi has a better product.

I never said otherwise, again, you seem to be confusing Hamas and Palestine. I said you have to be anti-Hamas and anti-Israel at the same time and then you started defending Palestine as if I had said something against Palestine.

No I said that if the US stopped supplying arms to Israel then Hamas and Iran would likely invade Israel. Also Iran is concretely a proven existential threat to Israel (as are Jordan, Syria, Egypt, etc.) I didn't say Palestine can't be a country, I said Israel has a right to exist and it has neighbors (not Palestine) who present a clear and present danger. Although clearly Hamas also is a danger to Israel and you seem determined to conflate Hamas with Palestine, which is not something I'm doing.

You talked about Palestinians being a threat to Jewish people and Israel.

No I said Hamas was a threat to Jewish people and you apparently cannot distinguish between Hamas and Palestinians. I also said Egypt and Iran are threats to Jewish people.


Iranian invasion of Israel is a very likely outcome if the US stops sending Israel weapons. Pretending like Israel and Palestine are the only parties to this conflict is myopic. Egypt not only shares a border with Israel/Palestine but the Egyptian government brokered recent ceasefires. Egypt is a part of this conflict. Iran is involved, Jordan is involved, Syria is involved. the countries involved in this conflict have a collective population of ~300 million of which Israel is 9 million and Palestine is 5 million. The risk of this conflict growing larger is real and most people in the region are more concerned with a broader conflict than they are with the Palestinians. This isn't just Israel's fault.

You've got to be anti-Hamas and anti-Israel at the same time. Israel is doing terrible things to Palestinians, but you can't turn around and pretend like this isn't an existential threat to Israel. There are essentially no Jews in Egypt or Iran. Why do you think that is? The Biblical account is colorful but we should probably treat it as basically true. And I think we can also treat Hamas as if they were working for the Pharaoh of this story. Obviously there's a lot more going on than that, but the point is that Jews are at serious risk of genocide.

On the other hand, there are over a million Arab Muslims living in Israel, and they don't actually seem to be at risk of genocide. People living in Palestine are at serious risk of harm from Israel, and this is wrong. But Hamas is clearly targeting people based on ethnicity and religion and Israel is not.

They have already invaded. I guess I could see a ceasefire which has Ukraine ceding territory but joining NATO as an outcome. I don't really see Ukraine giving up land otherwise.

They're not pushing nuclear reactors for utility power, they're pushing them for nuclear weapons research and propulsive reactors for aircraft carriers, subs, etc. China is investing in it for basically the same reason. China is probably going to start winding down utility reactors soon, they're too expensive and fiddly compared to the better options coming on the market. (I would bet that in 10 years power to gas of some sort (hydrogen electrolysis, methane, syngas whatever) is going to be better than nuclear.

But people still might mostly be building batteries because they're so much simpler to operate than any of that.