Trump denounced "project 2025" today so keep trying to associate him with this like you did in 2020 with "q anon" and in 2016 with peepee tapes...

Why can't Democrats ever run on their records? Just scare tactics.

PewDiePie was demonitized on yt and had all his sponsors dropped numerous times...

It's the knee jerk reaction corporate America gives whenever someone does something naughty on the internet.

Then after 6 or so months, when the outrage addicts move on to someone else, the sponsors return. The monitization returns.

Constitutional Republic

Judges protecting cops from allowing mass shooting to happen and the "no one above the law", "all cops are bastards", "gun control now" Democrat left is silent because the shooter was T.

It exposes them for the hypocrites they are. They don't actually believe the things they say and apply them equally, they only say them for political power.

Constitutional Republic

In 2020 it was q anon, whatever that was

Now it's this, whatever this is

Just waiting for the BLM schtick to start back up...

This is all the Dems have. They can't campaign on their records so they just scare people into not voting for the other guy.

This is a Republic of 50 individual states. Let the voters in each state decide their own school curriculums and how their own schools are run.

There's zero reason why people in California or New York should be telling Oklahomans how to run schools.

Just like they didn't pass laws to codify abortion into law. Or anything else.

If Democrats actually did stuff then they couldn't scare you into voting for them.

Realistically "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck".... Same thing I say as I'm going down the first hill of a rollercoaster.

Such a Toby thing to do to write his own goodbye episode.

I would probably leave the internet without ad blocker.

How many times did YouTube demonitize PewDiePie...?

More than once.

It's not a forever thing.

It's stupid to sign a veteran who has just won the cup...

They'll have no hunger or urgency.

It's crazy how you don't realize you're arguing against yourself when you say "oh they must have had a real good reason to terminate the golden goose"...

Ya. He was the "golden goose". That's why Twitch allowed him to freely go to a direct competitor while refusing to say why he was banned 🙄🙄🙄

The only reason why they would let a billion-view streamer go to a direct competitor is because what Twitch did was worse than what Doc did, and if what Doc did came out then what Twitch did would also have to come out. And apparently they thought that was damning enough to pay him out and NDA it.

But now that the leakers have let it loose, I hope Doc is suing to remove the NDA so he can let it rip about twitch.

Constitutional Republic

Didn't they steal all the copper from the LA bridge that lights up? Lol

Democrat run cities.

Why did Twitch pay Dr Disrespect?

Because the methods of Twitch employee's investigation and the motives behind it were worse than what that investigation found.

Twitch violated the terms in their contract. Doc's behavior (whatever it was) did not.

That's the only reason why a Jeff Bezos company would have paid out.

Keep that in mind when throwing around the "p" word. But you won't. Because you brigadiers are unhinged.

Constitutional Republic

All the funding donated to the Biden/Harris campaign can only be used by Biden and/or Harris.

So if they were to swap candidates, and leave Harris off the ticket, they would be out hundreds of millions of dollars in donations.

They've done this to themselves by refusing to have a real primary.

I golf pheasant ridge quite frequently. It's a great course. Challenging. I'll be there Sunday actually. But they will group you if they are busy. And they get busy on the weekends. Expect to be there 5 hours.

But a weekday afternoon should be fine to hop.

You can go to their website and book your tee time and see all their slots which is really nice.

But I'd recommend Spring Church golf course if you want to take a drive out to Apollo. It doesn't get too busy and it's a decent course.

Constitutional Republic

What you see: Mob of 'Middle Eastern' men brutally beat lesbian couple celebrating a birthday

What they see: Mob of patriarchal men brutally beat lesbian couple celebrating a birthday

Hinges and latch to keep your weapon cache in.

Why wouldn't you cancel and go somewhere else?

Are you addicted or something?