
“I wish that the earth, sea, and the sky up above-a Will send me someone to lava”

Dreidel 2 the Grave: The rise and fall of the world’s most popular spinning toy

Given the current housing prices, I’m thinking about moving into one of those grocery store signs.

Reminds me of this episode of 99% Invisible where a group of friends found an unused space at a mall and made it their own personal condo.

What electric vehicles? Stellantis is currently selling zero EVs in the United States.

“You don’t know what you ask, challenger. My strongest coaching could kill a dragon, let alone a man. My coaching is too strong for you, challenger! You need to find a coach that has weaker coaching!”

I’ve been thinking about a genre like this recently. What other movies belong in this genre?

I thought Frank (2014) did a pretty good job of showing the process of writing and recording an album with a band. Each artist brings their own piece to the song, and when it all meshes together it’s magical.

It’s a makeup/beauty product store. Customers are mostly women with the occasional husband or boyfriend following sheepishly behind. I probably should have just waited in the car when the wife wanted to stop in, but instead went in too and played around with the hairdryers for a bit.

Ulta has by far the cleanest public men’s room I’ve ever used.Tips And Tricks

They even have a changing table. I almost felt bad blowing it up in there.


The federal rebate does include hybrids that meet the qualifying battery requirements. Whitmer’s proposal includes hybrids as well.

Bladerunner? Not really scary, but spooky at times, and definitely fits the neon vibe.

QOTSA has been getting a lot of play when I’m at the gym lately.

Alright, here’s Pancho and Lefty, coming atcha on W-A-R-T, Wart radio, Wellsville.

Oh, I don’t do all these things every night. We definitely have days where we do nothing but look at screens all evening. Just try not to make a habit of it. Don’t believe what you see from parenting influencers online. We all struggle sometimes. Stay strong my dude.

Yes caller, you’re on the air. What would you like to hear?


Board games. We have a 4 year old that enjoys My First Castle Panic. It’s great because it’s a cooperative game so they don’t get frustrated as much if defeated. You win together and lose together.

Work-out videos. We just discovered Danny Go! On YouTube and his videos are a ton of fun with catchy original music.

Bury daddy. When I’m exhausted and need a break, sometimes I’ll lay on the couch and say “I’m going to sleep, don’t bury me.” And then the kid grabs every pillow and blanket he can find and covers you with them. After a few minutes, wake up like an angry monster and chase them around a bit. Rinse and repeat.

Bath time. We do baths almost every night. Not because we are clean freaks, but because it gives them some time to play in the water and decompress. We also have a speaker in the bathroom and I take song request.

While we took our fair share of posed photos the day of our wedding, this remains my favorite from that day because it caught a very real moment. Weddings can be…a lot. And while we have many happy memories of that day, as a couple of introverts, we both agreed that we never want to have a wedding again.

Perhaps they are for the 2 state solution.