I never knew squirrels did this.

My husband pulled up some weeds in our tiny backyard but didn't toss them afterwards. Three days ago, we saw FIVE squirrels in our backyard using the weeds to make ground level nests. There are three, it looks like. We don't want to go into the yard to disturb them.

But oddly, we haven't seen the squirrels since yesterday. Could there be babies in there? I'm kind of worried to look. Would they just leave them? Or is this just prep or emergency nests?

We had a bird sit on the property line fence and watch a bit and squeak loudly. Maybe the squirrels decided not to leave babies there? I'm just fascinated. Like a little kid.

We have 5 cats who love to look outside at the squirrel show and yes, we don't let the cats outside AT ALL.