Eu vejo meus alunos como bem mais respeitosos com pessoas LGBT do que a minha própria turma de infância e adolescência. Ou talvez seja só porque eu estudei em um colégio religioso. 

O problema não é construir opinião própria e sim entender quando é hora de ouvir e quando é hora de falar.

What's the difference between the United Kingdom and France? They only spent centuries hating each other. 

Meat with sweet sauces, such as dulce de leche and chocolate. 

"Is it one or two classes?" We've had the same schedule for months. Why haven't you memorized it yet?

I'm a traditional type of teacher. I abhor using technology with the students, unless it's something actually useful and that I absolutely have to, like taking attendance. 

I'm getting the feeling he wants you out of the house for some reason. 

The North is more dangerous and poor than the South because the South is more European influenced? OP, do you know what that sounds like?

OP, Please tell me that second photo is hanging on your wall AND you plan to show it off one day during his wedding/college graduation. The love is just pouring out of it. I'm in literal tears.

There are so many beautiful and acceptable nature-related names. Aurora, Andromeda, Lily... 

You hadn't seen her in years. For all you knew she could have quit veganism permanently. 

Terra, in the Teen Titans cartoon. Does it count as death if she just turned into stone?