Yes, it is amazing to me that we have this written first-hand account. There's others, like Boccaccio's "The Decameron."

They show how society broke down. I can imagine it happening today with a similar plague.

Some threw caution to the winds and partied all the time. Some fled the cities. Some thought it was the end of the world. The infected were boarded up in their homes to prevent spreading. Huge pits were dug and the dead thrown in without ceremony. Completely wild.

Not one, but TWO eagles have to go to bird jail.

Yes, that is true. Mine is not a perfect solution. What are your ideas?


Not so. If that were true, no army would ever try to surround another, nor besiege a city. I say cut them off and starve them out.

They're like toddlers who break their own toys when asked to share them.

Instead of getting thrown in prison for the rest of his life, RTM became an MIT professor. A different time.


I am no one's second choice.

I'm glad you can tell yourself this. More people need to.

Wow, great job. I appreciate the "action video," that's a lot of water.

One used to be an Albertson's or similar; a symptom of a corporate merger.

NAFTA sucked all the jobs out of small towns and sent them to Mexico.

First time we see Coffey use his healing powers, he touches Paul's balls to heal a bladder infection. Every other time he heals, he sucks out the disease with his mouth.

If he used his mouth the first time, we'd have a very different movie.


Well, I never interpreted it that way, but I guess you could, LOL.

My absolute favorite Springsteen cover art is "Born to Run."  It illustrates Bruce Springsteen's and Clarence Clemons' relationship beautifully.

Maybe he'll homebrew a sunflower race and beat that joke to death. :)

Well, I don't know what exactly you expect them to do about it.

Yes, from the hobbits' point of view, most of the trilogy is like a horror movie.

Yep, millions will migrate in the coming decades due to global climate change.


Tuscon resident Brad Lancaster promotes rainwater harvesting. A city design that would help in the long term. Probably won't help Mexico city's acute short-term issue, though.


When John Mellencamp sang "Born in the USA" at Springsteen's Kennedy Center Honors, he emphasized the meaning of the song by repeating the first lines a capella at the very end.

Born down in a dead man's town. The first kick I took was when I hit the ground.

I love these. I wonder if you could buy a poster sized print of these paintings somewhere?