:flag-sioux: Sioux

I’d like to see the DNA results of the grandkid because of that fact & the timing of her divorce from him ( right after the pregnancy announcement ). Could also be why her son, the alleged father, is so hellbent on going to jail . Lauren Boebert's Son Tells Court He Can't Afford Lawyer

She can’t claim privacy in a public theater. She’s not even coherent or logical at this point.

You’re right. Crimes against children should be an automatic life sentence, as that’s exactly what the children received. No one ever looks back on their childhood abuse fondly .

Still won’t matter, no thinking woman would ever date, have sex with or marry a misogynist

I’m in the unusual position to be able to say, “ This is my country& your ancestors stole it, so why don’t you go back instead”

Time to learn how to use your feet

There is no cat , there is only Zuul

No. That god deliberately chose firstborn children to murder in many families.

Banished Lilith because she could think for herself.

Flooded the entire earth & murdered everything because of their own ego

Nothing to offer me after death. My hell would be having to be in their heaven for eternity. I had an extremely abusive childhood . I don’t want those memories for eternity. Ive had therapy & am fine. Because you’re fine doesn’t delete the memory of it though. I don’t want my mind wiped either. I’m looking forward to oblivion actually.

I could go on. The answer is no

She’s not feral if she’s already letting you touch her. She may have been someone’s pet at one time. She’s definitely been socialized to humans ,& that’s great! It will take a little bit of time,& every cat is of course different, but I think she’ll be fine once she realizes you’re a healer, not a hater. This is great progress & im sure you’ll have 100% success-

I agree with you on this. And I don’t trust our government anymore to get it right

He won’t change, so you need to decide whether you want to be the bangmaid in this relationship or not. This can also be a big sign that he doesn’t see you as an equal human being to him

This is awesome! You did a great job!

Is he physically or mentally disabled in some way? Why are you always making the meals? Why wouldn’t he be capable of making himself something to eat? Is he a legal adult? I’m so confused as to why an adult male wouldn’t say,” I don’t want that,”( what you made),& then go make what he wanted.

Wouldn’t hesitate at all

:flag-sioux: Sioux

I heard a video clip of him reading off a paper outside the courthouse after the verdict & he sounded frail. His voice, I mean. Nothing else in his manner or dress suggested that, but the tell was his voice. He was shook