Yeah like the guy in the $3000 suit and a beautiful woman is gonna care about what should, should shd shd shhshehdhshd.

Model: 7-4624B

You can probably find them on ebay, I bought a couple a few years back.

They are from a small novelty waffle iron. You can google it if you're curious.

You joke, but I basically did this exact thing in my early twenties.

I was out with a group of friends and it was getting late and I was sitting outside a fast food place with one of the girls in our group, just the two of us chatting and she mentioned that she lived nearby and that I could crash at her place if I wanted to and my response was basically what you said "No, I'm not tired yet."

EDIT: In my defence, this was a summer job friend group, and this girl had previously shown absolutely zero interest and in fact had seemed to be interested in one specific other dude all summer.

Looks like the Ekenaset from Ikea.

It was such an odd pizza, it's hard to describe. I remember enjoying it, and if I was getting some food at McDs I might get the pizza instead of a burger and fries. But if I had a craving for pizza I wouldn't get one to fill that craving. It was its own weird sub group of pizza that felt completely separated from all other pizzas I would consider to be pizza.

I tried to do this in my head before reading OPs info and came up with 024, but it seems that is wrong? I'll go read now and see where I went wrong.

EDIT: Oh, I see. I read that first one as not well placed, screwed me all up.


I don't think that golden arches building design with walk up service existed until the 50s.

EDIT: And based on the pricing it looks like 1960s.

It's cool seeing everyone else commenting about all the same specific ways we used to cheat with this thing. Holding onto the big TV to help with running speed and jumping longer. Jumping completely off the pad and back on for really long jumps. Just slapping it with your hands for fast running and high jumping.

Good times.

Hmm, I wonder at what point the helmet becomes a non-taggable part of the player...

Yeah I always worry about that kind of stuff in any work of fiction. Like, okay so you're going to write this character that is smart to a degree that few can imagine, are the writers smart enough to do that? I'm going to be constantly wondering, okay is this character actually doing something stupid or not very smart, or am I just not smart enough to see that it's actually smart, or are the writers just not good / smart enough to write a smart character, or is the character so smart that I won't understand how smart they are until the end when all is revealed? It's a tough line to walk and can be ruined with how it ends.

I'm already wondering how in the world it's smart of her to align with Homelander unless she's secretly manipulating him for her own purposes (seems likely, but maybe the writers are actually trying to have her decide aligning with him is the smart play). Just her main justification (Rome, Ceasar, etc.) she tells Homelander seems like the kind of shit you throw out to a stupid person to stroke their ego rather than an actual smart/real justification.

Nothing against Ace of Base or this song, it's a fine song, but I remember being so pissed off when the local radio station named this the best song of 1994 over Mr. Jones.

Am I the only one that thinks the heat won this 'battle'?

At the end when they dump it out it still has enough heat to cause the remaining gel to sizzle and what's left in the jar is so hot that it's giving off some kind of vapour (steam probably).

I remember it seeming that way to me because I was a kid.

But I can't imagine it was really like that. I can remember some vacations including camping so sure that would likely be essentially no contact. But in case of emergencies I'm betting there were phones available at camp grounds and my parents may have provided those numbers to friends and family back home in case of emergencies. Someone was probably back home checking on the house. The biggest vacation I can remember as a kid involved staying with various friends and family in different cities as we travelled so they had to have been in contact with them as we progressed on our trip.

But for ME, I was out of contact with my friends at home for the entire time yes. I got back home and had to catch up on everything that I missed, and the garden grew a lot.

The dresser and the night stands look exactly like some I've seen at West Elm. 'Mid-Century 6-Drawer Dresser' and 'Mid-Century Closed Nightstand'

I'm curious how OP finds the quality on them. I've seen similar knock offs for cheaper but I'm always concerned with the quality of the knock offs.

Wow that seems super cheap compared to what I've seen. Maybe they're smaller than they appear. It's about $10 a pound locally but they are these tiny little pathetic sizes so they can claim 40+ sticks per box or some shit. But because of the tiny size it ends up being mostly breading really. As someone who really likes mozza sticks, it's infuriating.

Lots of leaking on those breaded sticks, which I guess is fine since you just went and stuffed them into even more bread anyway so they're still covered in bread.

Are these store bought mozza sticks? I've always found that making breaded mozza sticks is an annoying amount of effort, but the store bought ones ain't cheap either.