Trouble using rewards points at Thrive Causemetics

Hi everyone, my mom likes to use Thrive products (their mascara is her favorite) and is trying to use her points balance on checkout, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do so. The site just keeps taking her to a little thing that says "just redeem them on checkout once you've logged in," but once she does that, there's no "redeem points" option. And it's not that she doesn't have enough--she has thousands of points. What is missing? Anyone have experience with this?

I had a cat who sometimes looked really human. It didn’t scare me, but it was definitely unexpected. He also had a voice that sounded like me saying “mom,” which did throw my mom for a loop. Anyway, I don’t think you’re going insane, but do remember to treat yourself gently. I’m sorry for your loss.

Personally, the only thing that has worked for me is spironolactone. However, most doctors will require you to also take birth control while taking spironolactone, because it can cause birth defects if taken during pregnancy. Since you quit birth control, I'm guessing that spironolactone wouldn't be a good option.

But for what it's worth, a good dermatologist isn't going to just dismiss your acne because it's hormonal; they might not be able to help if you're not willing to address it hormonally, but I'm sure they'll be willing to help you try some things.

You say "skin cycling," but what exactly are you using? Are you moisturizing?

Team Polish

Thanks for that! I previously threw one away because I thought the rubbery crud in there must be some kind of fungal or bacterial growth.

Oh, they are gone by the time June rolls around here in Texas, too. They show up starting in March, I think.

Team Polish

Y'all, I just gotta say that all this talk of "helmer" and I thought everyone had a medical-grade refrigerator in their room. But you are probably talking about the ikea storage also called helmer, right? Full respect either way lol

I would stick with just the yellow and green. As much as I love purple, all three colors together reads as Mardi gras to me.

Edited: spelling

Sending daily photos of the cats is one of the marks of a good petsitter.

The Japanese just says “Tokyo cowboy” on front and back. Idk if that helps at all.

Paldea's First Explorers

Sableye is the cutest and I love them. Also mega Sableye, hiding behind the gem, is just about as cute as hell.

You know, in my family (extended) we've all come to the belief that black cats are basically the best? Like if you want a cat who is fun and loving and generally the opposite of a problem, black cats are it. We still love cats of all colors for sure, but black cats have a special place in all our hearts. I guess it's true about how once you go black ...


.025% to start, then I went to .05% last year and just recently started .1%. I have some texture issues, and I'm hoping the high concentration tret will deal with them, but they might be something to go get needling for.

I had terrible acne and didn't purge, but honestly I think it's because I started Spironolactone at the same time and that just absolutely wiped out my acne. I know it's not an option for everyone, but damn did it ever do the trick for me. For me, tretinoin is good for maintaining and for dealing with the scars and hyperpigmentation.

I started very gradually per my dermatologist's instructions. Lowest concentration, once a week for a month, then twice a week for a month, then every other day for a couple years. I do every night NOW, but it took a super long time to get here.


Ginger beer. I generally get Fever Tree or Maine Root, just because those are the available brands for me. I'm sure there are ginger ales that are fine, but brands like Canada Dry hardly even have real ginger.

Candied ginger is also a good option and easy to carry with you anywhere you go.

You can also drink a ginger tea.

If you don't like ginger, well, maybe now is the time to acquire the taste. I used to hate it but now I'm a fiend for it. Best of luck to you!

I would advise against it. Not only will you reduce the SPF of the formula, you might inadvertently disrupt the ability of the sunscreen to form a film on your skin, taking away more of the sun protection than just the amount it's diluted by. I agree with u/PineappleAny about just leaving it alone and making a separate formula to wear under it.

I will never know what is going on in people's brains that makes them think it's okay to say things like this. But, honestly, if it were me, I'd start menacing her. Demon stuff. Catch her eye and say "Hail Satan." Pass her an invitation to a very special spot in Hell. I don't know. Just have fun with it.

Also I'm curious how she knows what a demon looks like.

No matter what, her comment says more about HER than it does about YOU. I hope that you're able to focus on your classwork and not on some rude-ass little punk who never learned how to act right.

Hang in there, OP.

I voted Oceanic White Tip. When I saw the results I was also really surprised. They're definitely the shark I'd least like to meet in a dark alley because the whole crew will just go at you. But you're at least not likely to encounter them in your standard dark alley.

With a bull shark, in contrast, you're not safe anywhere. Like, sure, they're aggressive, but that's a secondary concern to them just turning up on your doorstep.

So I guess there is maybe an implied question of "How safe do you feel you personally are from an encounter with this shark?" when we have a poll like this. Shark hazard x probability = shark risk. Bull shark probability is so much higher than OWT probability that they're the bigger risk.

Team Polish

Off the top of my head, I know Pacifica's Plant Magic polishes use "bio glitter" which might be made from seaweed? I haven't tried them personally though, so I can't vouch for them.