Google Mal Project 2025. Schon nach der letzten Amtszeit hat Trump Fortschritte von Jahrzehnten zunichte gemacht. Nicht auszumalen was beim nächsten Mal passiert. Wer immer noch glaubt es gäbe keinen Unterschied und am Ende ist's eh egal ob Blau oder Rot, der hat eindeutig nicht aufgepasst.

Die Wahl ist nicht das Ende der presidency. Die endet im Januar

Depending on your energy consumption it'll be somewhere between 50-80 per month. For Internet somewhere between 20-50, gez is 18. That's additional costs of 88-148 per month on top of your warmrent.

Just got a Toyota Corolla TS and I couldn't be happier. Great car!

Gut, wenn er runtergeht kann ich mehr Anteile kaufen. Wenn er hochgeht bekomme ich mehr Dividende.

Das einzige Problem das ich hier sehe ist, dass OP anscheinend ein Auto komplett auf Pump gekauft hat ohne anzusparen, oder es einfach viel zu teuer war.

Was ist die Tilgungsrate und Dauer des Kredites? Was ist die Sparrate für den ETF? Zur Zeit gibt mir der heilige Gral mehr als 4,99% daher würde ich das Geld im ETF lassen.

Such a beautiful coin! From the pictures it looks alright to me. May I ask what you paid for it?

Could be someone hit your bumper but it popped back out in the meantime? Don't know if that could be a thing

My Grandpa was captured at the eastern front. Shot through the leg and was gone for like 3 years, showed back up home randomly and never talked about it. Smoked like a chimney and drunk like a waterfountain, was entirely emotionally absent and died early of cancer. A true shit life he had.

Looks like it's centered to the rest of the badge, not just the rapier in the middle, which cannot be fully centered due to its form?

It seems like you are mostly stuck in thinking of the sequels, which were evidently awful and limited a lot of stuff that came afterwards. Doesn't mean those pieces aren't good by themselves. And I wouldn't compare stuff to fanfiction really, that'll never end well. It's like comparing your own imagination of a book to the movie that was made about the book. Obviously those two won't fit together.

To all the little Disney haters here: Most of the recent pieces have been just fine to absolutely great. Thinking of Andor, Mando, Badbatch have all been awesome. Then bobf and Obi-Wan were meh, but still enjoyable. Y'all hating is just too much.

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Seriously, all these whiners never tried to catch the Legend in SV

One is 1800 and the other 2200

Your complaint is idiotic and in time you'll realize that yourself.