Next time save yourself energy and ask: where do you want me to be from?

Consider also no free public toilets like in Australia 🥹

If you are windows guys then outlook, Mac go for iCloud. Both are good, personally I tend to prefer iCloud. No advertisement on the free version, maybe better privacy and you can use your own domain.

It seems that the crust of the delicate civilization began to fall in Germany and the ugliness of this society began to appear. I am very sorry for what happened to your wife, and I regret that you both suffer with these immoral idiots, the aware Germans must raise their voice, otherwise history will repeat itself and the Germans themselves will be the biggest losers of all this.

In my digital declutter, I ended up with only one email and one forwarding service (Duck Mail) for untrusted sites.

They have a high chance. Young generation are easy to be influenced because they haven't experienced life under fascist or dictatorial regimes and thus may not fully appreciate the value of democracy. Additionally, populism is effective in elections because winning is about garnering the most votes, there is no quality here. For a party like AfD, targeting young people, who often struggle to find their own value in today’s world, is strategic. These young individuals might derive their sense of identity either from nationalistic sentiments or from material possessions. This issue isn't unique to Germany; it's a challenge faced by the new generation in many countries.

I don’t think Hamburg is a as open as Berlin, but as other members mentioned Lange Reihe is a good place to start.

Amazing, i recently disabled every badge notifications. FOMO should go less and we should decide when to check Emails and other stuff.

Yes, but alternatively, you may choose to back up your data independently.

Regarding point 1, I must clarify that iCloud both backs up and syncs your photos. Once your photos are synced to iCloud, they reside in the cloud and do not take up space on your devices, except for some recent photos and thumbnails of your entire library, which require minimal space.

It's only a matter of time before Putin is sitting in the Bundestag, lecturing Europe about democracy and human rights.

AfD and its volks doesn’t know how to pull the country to a civil war. I don’t think they learned anything from the history.

Ok, then another iCloud account might be the simplest solution. Good luck.