Would you clear coat the patina if body has dings and dents?

My car has been hit in front but was sloppily repaired. It has dings here and there but has almost zero body rust. Frame is in excellent shape. I need to address the oil leaks but it’s a runner for sure. Overall though, the car looks good but I can’t tell how many different coats of color are on it. With the car as described, would you spend money clear coating it or just wash and wax as is? It’s a 69 sedan in CA.

Nope. Not clear he’s going to win at all. Biden team don’t seem very worried. Something’s up.

No shit. Laid off 8 months ago and have been on numerous interviews but no job offer. Meanwhile groceries are costing more. Stock market is on a tear but can’t participate because I’ve got bills to pay and food to buy.

Scrambled eggs always sticks in my CS pan and it’s a bitch to clean. Maybe not using enough oil?

I have a carbon steel wok. If I can fit it in my chuck box, I’ll bring it.

I’ll look into it. I have a carbon steel wok that I could bring but it’s rather large.

What’s your cooking or frying pan?

Cast iron, non-stick, stainless steel or something else entirely? When we’re RV camping, I have more storage space so I bring my small Blackstone griddle. When I’m solo camping in my SUV, I use my 10” cast iron on a Coleman stove. Even though my cast iron is well seasoned, food sometimes stick so kind of a bitch to clean in the wild. Thinking of switching to a non-stick pan.

What do you use?

You know those elite CF athletes? I don’t look like them but I work just as hard.

Won’t raccoons or bigger animals tear that bag up to shreds?

Where do you keep your food trash overnight?

If you sleep in your rig, where do you store your trash overnight? In a bag inside a tough plastic bin away from you? Or is it safe to keep it inside your rig since that’s where all my food is anyway? I figure animals can’t smell what’s inside my cooler or fridge or am I kidding myself?

I wasn’t planning on bringing my solar panels but looks like I’ll have to after all.

I’m not sure my Jackery can keep it powered up plus my other electronics too.

It was full and drinks were room temp. It was a last minute trip so no planning at all. Rookie move.

I didn’t buy the Jackery panels, just the cheap brand but they’re rather big. I’ll see if I can make room in my rig. Have to wrap them up well so they don’t get damaged. Serves my right for cheaping out on solar panels.

Weird thing is my Jackery got down to 70% from powering my 12V fridge for just 10 hours.

12V fridge or cooler for two day solo camping trip?

I plan to cook one breakfast and two dinners and have cold cuts to keep cold. I’m thinking a 12V fridge might be overkill. Plus I don’t think my 1000W Jackery will have enough juice to power it plus charge my phone.

Which one would you bring for a 2 day trip?

Reflux. Went to the ER thinking I was having cardiac issues.

I can’t sleep in the same tent let alone my truck with my stinky ass dog. A week after bathing and she’s already funky.