Oh my god. Wow. This man is just incredibly stupid. Yeah okay buddy, dark humour exists but you do not talk about being the next school shooter in front of employees who are selling you large quantities of ammunition. He legit said I'm gonna be the next school shooter. This man is just stupid. He's lucky the death threat charge was dropped. Just, wow.

Hmmm sounds like you need some tacks glued under your handles.

Ohhh.....well that's okay free bait for fishing I guess lol

Yeah it's terrifying shit for sure :/ if we end up with a conservative gov it's gonna be a shit show

I have something similar. And I love it. I just got a tattoo of this vine because it was in my parents garden when I was a kid. I know it as Black Bind Weed. It could be a variety of that.

Oh like actually? I'm going up there on Monday lol. Noted thanks lol.

Or bugs in general. A horsefly took a chunk from my dad's head once. He had blood dripping down. It was nuts.

I imagine that will be defaced in a very veeerrrrrry short amount of time lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 For real though, it would be I interesting if they put up EVERY RELIGIONS TENANTS but nah it'll be just the good ol lawrds!!!!

Wow. I heard r/Canada had become really.....meh. but yeah like damn.

Ah gee can't possibly be the fact we are all poor right now eh? That's not a contributing factor to those stats at all. s/

-_- Then check out the left hand. It's holding the bow wrong, the thumb should be hidden.

You don't hold a bow like that -_- It's the left hand. It's gripping the bow wrong, the thumb needs to be hidden. And the arrow needs to rest lower.

Excuse me, what? So I see a pig and call it in and they bill me? Or how does that work?

Hey, I had a take down that I fucked up by leaving strung against a wall. The limbs twisted. You can untwist the limbs if it's not too bad. Just search it on YouTube. You basically take the limb and twist it the opposite way. YouTube it. It worked well for me and I never had a problem again.

Haven't seen any gallon ones in a reeeeaaallly long time

Well we don't call them Roblaws for nothing lmao

Have fun finding spiders and bugs in your cups randomly. They crawl in and can't get back out.

My stores have upped the price of all Arizona cans to $2-$3 :(