For his ethnicity, Lloyd is Dutch-American-Jewish with mixed Ashkenazic and Sephardic ancestry. (With Dutch Ashkenazi Jewish dad and Sephardi Jewish mom)

Lloyd gets statistics from what people do and play.

Lloyd is a non-observant Jew and he sometimes think of what he’s eating is either kosher or treyf.

Lloyd being Jewish is a common headcanon so here.

“Orthodoxy or death” = “Convert to Islam or die”.

Not gonna lie, I have always see this sentence everywhere on social media, mostly from Eastern Orthodox and other Orthodox Christians as well. I couldn’t help but think how “Orthodoxy or death” is way similar to “convert to Islam or die” since Orthodox Christians have a lot of problems with Catholics since the schism in 1054 and they probably use this to force Catholics into converting to Orthodoxy.

Just to be clear, I’m a Catholic Christian, but no, I am NOT here to convert you, I’m here to address this problem I have with Orthodox Christians and this MIGHT be the reason why I don’t feel like converting to orthodoxy because I feel threatened by this.

I’m sorry, I should’ve think sooner enough, but thanks anyway.

Well, I also came here for support and I was thinking if you guys could also add any information regarding about Luther’s anti-semitic and racist history if you can any remember it before you left Lutheranism

I haven’t yet, but I’ll read it for research purposes as I can.

Child of Mary

Just basically “You don’t need religion to be a good person”

Bro’s a pedophile himself lmao like shut your mouth Rav 😭

Thanks! May God bless you 💖

I explained to her about ADHD and its symptoms a few years ago and it seems she understands it a little. I’m not sure about it but I think she’ll help me try to fully focus.

I might have to wait until I’m old enough and ready to leave for college. I can’t wait to get out from a lie in 3 years.

That’s really cute, and thank you for the support! This is my first post in this subreddit <3