Is it possible that it's Summer and people just want to go outside?

Post genuine, helpful, high quality comments on the notes of writers who are more poular than you, but not TOO popular that your comment gets lost among hundreds of others.

People DO read comments, and they WILL check out your profile if they like what you say.

If you have good content available, and a promising premise when they arrive, they'll click sub, or at least follow.

Also, I think it's really value to separate your pubs by broad topic. Sometimes people will choose to NOT sub to you just because you post too much and half of it they aren't interested in. Being able to choose one or the other or both feels like a good thing in that regard. Even though it might take "more work" to get subs on both publications, you can still easily cross-pollinate by restacking your posts, which shows up to all of your followers whether they are subbed or not. And you can link posts from one publication in the post of your other publication, too.

It will show your main publication by your name on that comment, yes. But just the name of your publication isn't going to get you a subscriber.

If they click on your profile and see your multiple publications, check them out, resonate with what the publication is about, and see that you have high quality content, THAT will get you a subscriber.

But more than anything, I see my good comments getting me 3x as many followers as subs. Which is still cool, because when I make a new post, I can restack it into a note, then all of my followers have the chance to see it even if they're not subbed. It's definitely possible to get subs that way.

Hello new friends! This is such an awesome idea.

The best tip I've found getting subs (from 0) is leaving as many high quality comments as you can, on the posts/notes of popular substackers. People love to read comments, and if they like what you say, they'll check out your profile. If you have good content, that will lead to a sub!

Here's my publications:

Im writing a relaxed and meditative blog about philosophy and wellbeing, with a hint of poetry. Planning on adding some guided meditations in the future πŸ™

Wandering Cloud

So excited to meet other new writers here πŸ˜„

My second publication is a more energetic blog about writing, storycraft, worldbuilding and design.

Storm's Eye

And my final publication (which I have yet to post in) is about practical tips for physical health and caring for the ecosystems of the Earth. All drawn from my experiences working in conservation, living in ecovillages, and my personal health journey.

Regeneration Nation

Do you mean variant rules to play the game solo, or are you looking for more solo games?

Unbound does something similar to this. Haven't played it yet, but it looks cool!

It seems you and I are on exactly the same page, so I'm glad you expanded on that!

This. But in ways that actually make a difference. Lots of people here saying "go vegan" but hardly anyone seems to know that there are actual jobs out there that directly restore and conserve ecosystems. And many of us could be doing them!

Work for a non-profit conservation group. Live in an intentional community that practices regenerative or at least sustainable living. Spread awareness of inspiring ways that people can make a change. Host classes/workshops designed to connect people to nature and inspire empathy in them so thay they will want to make a difference.

I think "hawling" is my new favorite typo.

Mispelling Satan as "Stan" has been knocked down to #2

As a certified sawyer I can confirm that a chainsaw will fuck you up bad, but it will not work for a second attack without some serious maintenance

I had a minmaxed elven streetsam with so much bioware, martial arts, and a monofilament blade that I got in a duel with a heavily armored literal samurai and bisected him in one strike, just like the movies πŸ˜†

Lo-fi for focus. Beats drive me forward, mellow tones keep me relaxed, and the lack of lyrics prevent distraction.

Basically myself in personality, but through the filter of unusual circumstance, and exaggerating some of my own characteristics as a thought experiment/therapy lol.

Anything with great worldbuilding and/or relatable characters I want to root for. Avatar: TLA and LOK, Wheel of Time, Stormlight Archive, Midst, The Alchemist...

Or a hauntingly delicious vibe, like Shadow of the Colossus

Barrelling through all obstacles with instant and ruthless (yet highly effective) violence without any regard for the life they are taking. And then making jokes about it.

Or outright pride in mass murder because "they're the bad guys lol"

Best systems for survival/crafting?Game Suggestion

I'm really curious to find some games that do this well, particularly with a narrative focus. Are there any games that have enough survival skills that everyone can have something unique to contribute? I'm also interested in tag mechanics for simple yet robust crafting.


The core of the world is a collossal crystal that is a living (and growing) record of all the world's history.

In the biggest world war, one race cracked it to attempt to erase their enemies from existence. It worked, and was a terrible mistake. (The Sundering)

The Paragons of the world managed to mostly fix it, but now the crack causes "disjunction" which means that cause and effect are not perfectly aligned anymore, especially for the descendents of those who were most affected by the Sundering.

Doom or Destiny

Some stock image websites have a filter to exclude AI content.

Doesn't mean it's 100% correct, but it will hopefully assuage the guilt at least.

Crafting a Legacy (Mechanics)

Are there any games that have solid mechanics for codifying the impact that PCs have on the world?

Or for inheriting a legacy from character creation and building upon it?

I want to find games where the players KNOW they are making significant change and having a lasting impact on the world, and that the world is having a lasting impact on them.

Roles vs ClassesGame Suggestion

I've been exploring the many ways that RPGs differentiate the roles of PCs. There are plenty of cool games out there like Heart that have really unique classes, which are primarily defined by their abilities and thematic elements more than anything.

But my question is: What systems differentiate PCs by the roles they play in shaping the story, party dynamics, or presenting a sort of personality?

Which systems do this well, and why?

Hopefully yall can tell what I'm trying to get at, but if not, just let me know which systems you think do a great job of presenting roles and/or classes as unique and fun options!
