Looking forward to something a bit different looks a great place to travel. mostly toured in Europe, central America and SEA so the arid climate will be a new experience, got a few questions around that and would welcome any comments or advice more generally about biking in Oman, id like to spend some time exploring the coast and especially the mountains, tour will be about 3 weeks, wild camping, cheap hotels with the odd splurge.

think I will bring a 1 man tent and air matt but not bother with the sleeping bag. could this be an issue in the mountains? sleeping bag liner + plenty of clothes enough?

best way to take a wash before a wild camp? public taps or baths

I'm guessing things get a bit dusty any tactics to help eyes nose?

Do I need to be cautious of sand storms not really sure how problematic they are or how common???

Probably wont bring a stove, are shops/restaurants open in the evenings (smaller villages) expecting plenty of tasty things to try

Camp fire?

Will be traveling to Salalah and Abu Dhabi from Muscat is it possible to take bikes on the bus? (could be left packed small from air transport)

Quite a scattered list off the top of my head as I plan. any comments appreciated.