If you think that the economy is tied to the stock market then you have to look at different data points. Yes wages have increased. But so has every day expenses. I wouldn't say trump will crash the economy. I would say he would correct an over-inflated economy.

Ah-ha is definitely not a small band. They were massive over in Europe and Western Russia.

I'm going on almost 2 years unemployed. I hate doing doordash, but that is exactly how I'm surviving.

The amount of unchecked insider trading going on in Congress is stupid. When Congress decides to write up laws that only benefit the companies they are buying stock, you know they are no longer interested in serving the general public.

The only way to reduce demand is to build more housing than there are people on earth. The supply and demand curve only applies to commodities. It does not apply to necessities.

People are starving due to lack of access to resources. Starvation has nothing to do with increased productivity.

I love reading things like this. Hope you continue being as happy in marriage.

We need to overturn so many of Reagan's policies it's not even a joke. That dude single-handedly screwed over all of America to this very day.

But do we really need to have a more productive economy? Last time I checked a higher stock market does not mean the economy itself is doing good.

I'm using the smartphone as an example you dipshit. The same logic can be applied to just about every possible product. Why should I buy the name brand products for more when the store brand has the same quality for cheaper?

Capitalism tends to drive prices up and costs down to produce more profit whereas the free market economy strives for lower costs and thus lower prices of products. I always want to find the cheapest available product given that the quality of the product remains the same. Otherwise I'm overpaying for a specific product. Case in point. You shouldn't have to buy the latest iPhone at more than 15% its cost in hardware.

I've seen more people lose their jobs due to acquisitions than lower prices of products.

Can someone explain to me why having a deflated currency is a bad thing? The last time I checked, our dollar was stronger in the early 1900s then it is now.

I just learned how to write with a pen. Pens force you to own your mistakes.

I mean it is almost possible to drive across the US in a day. There is a race called the cannonball run that is held every year. The record is 25 hours 39 minutes. It starts from New York city and goes all the way down to LA. It is a diagonal run, but I'm pretty sure that you can go horizontally and just under a day.

We are already in a zombie apocalypse. The rise of social media turned everyone into zombies. Everyone is in their own echo chamber and unwilling to listen to opposing ideas.

There's a thing called eminent domain. But that is highly unfavored by actual homeowners. As someone who owns a home in the bay area, I do not want the government ripping out my life for the sake of building denser cities.

The use of eminent domain is highly unfavored by a good majority of residents. But because it exists, the government can use it to expedite building permits.

How does one find mentors when nobody is wanting to teach you anything?

Isn't the government already beholden to corporations anyway? That makes project 2025 so scary in comparison to what is happening in America now?

Their culture surrounding work is what's killing them. Also they don't necessarily welcome other races into their country all that easily to keep the population healthy.