You all jews and arabs should be ashamed by the wrong practice of your religion and the horrible interpretation you are doing of your sacred books. An embarrassment to the human race.

Plant based is a vegan dieta. Vegetarians are not vegetarians it's a wrong definition as they are not eating just vegetables. Foid industry have intentionally created this paradox. People who eats diary, eggs or honey, don't give a shit for animals, enviromental problems or starvation kids. They are just selfish t wat s.

Rolex is the most tacky watch I've ever seen though.

I'm waiting for mine and It will be awesome to have It, unopened in my "Big tech fails collection"

I remember, back in the eighties when Iberia was an example of care and service. Any passenger was treated with respet and any demand was attended with no extra charges at all. With the pass of the years this has changed dramaticly and now is an absolut rip of rights and the user has became a number. Especially after 9/11, I felt being a lamb when taking a flight. That's part of the success of low-cost flight companies because there is no reason anymore to pay more for a very similar shity service.

he probably woud love human ribs cooked. Go vegan.

Well you just said It, when R1 says "Taking a look now" then you know you can stop aiming.

Well you just said It, when R1 says "Taking a look now" then you know you can stop aiming.

Well you just said It, when R1 says "Taking a look now" then you know you can stop aiming.

Well you just said It, when R1 says "Taking a look now" then you know you can stop aiming...

Well you just said It, when R1 says "Taking a look now" then you know you can stop aiming...

Cool! 馃ゲ It is so excited. Do you already have a tracking number?

Hi Eddy, wondering if do you already have a tracking number?
