I'm going to say something controversial over here- your daughter did the right thing. You didn't (why take your children to places you know they will be targeted?). For me, this is a Justified Asshole situation. Nothing short of that level of violence was gonna teach the bully what his own actions were like since his parents aren't interested in teaching him. Hopefully, he learnt a lesson. I'd still have a talk with your daughter about when violence is necessary, because the answer is sometimes. Best she not learn the wrong lesson from this.

Now go do something about your family. Your daughter did what she had to, time for you to do the same.

Is there a petition we can sign or something? I usually think they're useless, but I don't know what else the common man can do. Unless we can donate to some NGO to help them out?

God bless you man! Thanks for explaining. All the best on your future endeavors.

Thank God I'm not alone. I was beginning to think that I dreamt up the whole thing.

What are psychology students suddenly talking about? Education

Saw a few reels this month about some changes in the structure (?) or something for Psychology. I tried searching it about, but with no Key words I'm lost. Does anyone know what they're talkkng about? Or is this some kind of an in-joke that I'm lost on?

What are the psychology students talking about online? Psychology

I've been seeing a lot of reels from psychology students the last month, talking about some changes in the system. Can anybody explain what's going on?

(Qualifications- BA in Mass Communication) Sorry if this is the wrong sub to ask.

Can we have the mods here?

Disgust is Shen Yuan or Shen Qingqiu right?


You're telling me a health care worker force fed her adult step daughter and was surprised when she threw up??? Hell No. Also, even if her husband was a part time baby sitter (we don't call men like that dads), he didn't see anything wring with what she was doing? I'd intervene if I saw this happening to a stranger.

I'd suggest getting revenge. There has to be some sort of vomit spray out in world. Make sure the smell never leaves MIL's home.

You know how you read something and only then realise that it's ABSOLUTELY NOT your cup of tea? That was me with these fics. I barely got through the ML in Remarried Empress

What a well constructed answer! I love the ideas you've put out. Thank you

I can tell you that these colleges have teachers who regularly cancel class and an administration that regularly loses important documents and blames students, but they will never fix that. Good teaching faculty with experience is over worked and underpaid, until they quit. In response, the college brings in barely graduated youngsters who take over subjects that they have no knowledge of. There will be clown professors who have relationships/ flirt regularly with students, even at the best ranked colleges in Mumbai.

Instead of improving their teaching standards, they instead choose to play these games, and police what 18+ year old students wear. Idiots. There's no saving them.

NTA. But I have to know- what does your Spouce say about all this? I'm assuming SILs here are your partner's siblings.

They both had more personality in their pinkies than 80% of OI MLs 😒

I've only ever seen two. ✨️✨️ Anakin 🫶 ✨️✨️ [Kill the Villainess]

And some guy from The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner (truly lovely ml, the story just wasn't very serious and shut down too soon)

I'd suggest posting this to r/TwoXIndia as well. I'm sure a few ladies there will also find this info useful, and discuss the topic further.

I use my ao3 username in other places, where minors interact and I absolutely DO NOT want them to stumble into my favorite E rated fics.

NTA. If he's feeling suicidal, he can commit to it. Boo hoo, he was abusive and his friends still expect you to feel bad for him? He's lucky you didn't sue him (take away that luck). The sheer audacity of his friends to reach out to you regarding this, when they didn't intervene when the abuse was taking place, or set him up in therapy after the Relationship ended. I have words that would see me banned from this sub.

NTA. People calling her overweight at that weight & height at 14 don't know the first thing about the female body. If she eats healthy and exercises, she's good. Also, OP, I would highly suggest keeping an eye on her media consumption and give her a real idea about how women's bodies look like. We have somehow circled back to the early 2000s era trend where women were expected to look extremely thin, even at detriment to their own health. Content regarding EDs is gaining traction. Somehow, all "healthy good" has become low calorie, and fashion again caters to a specific body type.

Please talk to her. You have to protect your child. This low calorie nonsense is for adults (if even that).

So she doesn't discipline her kids in any way that is effective and the one person who may hold Maya responsible for her actions- her brother- she hides the information from. I have no sympathy for this woman. I hope the younger daughter can recover- and when she finds out the details of the betrayal (that her mother continues to hide from her), she finds the strength to move on.

I love when SQH gets comfortable in his skin and his political prowess is explored!

My peeve is when the story is Mobei Jun/Shang Qinghua centric and "Luo Binghe/ Shen Yuan" is tagged as one of the main pairings, and not "Minor Shen Yuan/ Luo Binghe " or something else. Vice versa too I suppose. It makes filtering things very hard

NTA. Does she care about the kids or does she just want a sheer number of them as collectibles? Clearly there's a parenting gap already with the one child that the both of you have. And does she really think that this (meaning the psychopathic tendencies in the 7 y/o) is a safe environment to introduce more children into? Especially new borns?

Personally, I'd let her divorce me. If I can't ensure discipline when she is present, I would enforce it when we're separated. With the incidents that the child is causing, and will probably continue to cause while in her care, the Courts should grant full custody to you at some point. Hopefully, you can somehow take care of this behavior then.

Since when does anxiety make people steal things?? Or is there something I'm missing?