There isn’t much else that can be done if a dog for example hates the new dog even after some time has passed for adjustments.

That is more of a political issue and Britian has recently selected a new site for construction of a nuclear power plant in Wales.

Europe’s natural gas dependence did help cause that problem because most of Europe relied on cheap Russian gas which is gone because of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Europe could have reduced its reliance on natural gas from Russia earlier and more gradually by building nuclear power plants, but instead they waited until that dependance had serious consequences. Oil prices and availability are also dependent on geopolitics.

I actually have a solar panel system powering my home and it is a long term investment as the price of electricity in my country is increasing far above inflation and solar panels themselves aren’t very expensive while batteries are and you don’t need batteries for making kerosene from solar power by heating water and CO2. Also look at historical solar panel and lithium battery prices.

What causes all the potholes to appear? What causes leaky pipes? What causes conviction rates to be measured in single digits? Incompetence and apathy and what causes both? Corruption.

According to whom? Every source I have seen says that solar’s prices are decreasing and solar-made kerosene is likely to become an important source of the fuel in the future as it will have negligible operating costs.

What many people do not understand is that most ANC voters vote for the ANC because of loyalty like how most people always support their favourite sports team regardless of their performance. People are becoming disillusioned with the ANC, albeit slowly and the DA has thus far failed to capitalise on that decline and only parties like the EFF, IFP and MK have really benefited from the decline.

I don’t fear Trump, I fear the horde that voted for the clown connoisseur of lies.

So the ICC is evil when Al Bashir, a dictator who murdered hundreds of thousands is here, but they are heroes when Hamas and Israel are implicated? I am not surprised at all but still horrified.

Hydrogen is produced industry mainly via electrolysis of water and liquid oxygen is produced by fractional distillation which all do not necessarily require any fossil fuels and kerosene can be produced by heating CO2 and water with solar panels, while it is far from practical today, the rapid decrease in solar panel prices will make it more practical in the future, especially on larger scales and countries wishing to reduce their dependence on fossil fuel imports will be interested in it. People thought that steamships were absurd and in just a few decades they replaced sail ships almost completely. Lithium battery prices in my country has plunged while they became more compact and energy-dense.

Rockets can and are often powered by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, neither of which require fossil fuels. Also extracting oil isn’t very environmentally friendly either, just look at Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon.

Nuclear power exists that can replace fossil fuel power, plastic has some applications which are irreplaceable, but in applications where it has a practical substitute that is less damaging to the environment like certain metals, it must be replaced. Asteroid mining will dramatically reduce the environmental impact of extracting materials. Just because something was essential in the past doesn’t mean it will be so forever.

8 million deaths every single year from fossil fuel pollution-related causes without taking climate change into account, doesn’t seem like much of a disturbance to me.

Don’t worry, MK is falling into vicious infighting earlier than expected and infighting has destroyed relatively successful parties like COPE.

Or perhaps dealing with Bittereinders would be the Empire’s problem and not yours.

Germany with its politics is actually fun to play, at least for me.

Based on my interpretation, a higher level spell always beats a lower level spell unless specifically stated otherwise and dominate person is a 5th level spell.

Maybe because it is an election year and the new CEO is willing to turn a blind eye to corruptions, the ANC gives him extra support and diesel funds.

In that case it depends on the dm, but based on my interpretation it would result in two individuals controlling the same target and assuming both spells are the same level it would be a contest between the casters’s spellcasting ability to determine who controls the target for that round.

Dispell magic is one of the most important spells to prepare for wizards in my opinion.

It is extremely slow as well unless you use an ssd.

Sound like something a green dragon in a trenchcoat would say.