Hi fellas, im 15 and have an idea for a Roblox DBZ game. It will be a Battleground but with quirks to it. Im not looking for veterans or people with experience, but people who are willing to learn stuff in order to make something togheter. I dont have much experience with stuff like Scripting, Sound design or special effects, but im willing to learn animation since i have knowledge and a little bit of experience in the field (not roblox animation but animation and the process of it overall) and im also learning Modelling. So if you want to learn Scripting, effects making, sound making, or anything else needed for a roblox game, i will gladly make a Private Discord server for us to communicate. To people who actually read it all and arent interested BUT know people who are infact interested in those fields, please contact them and ask them if they would be interested. As i said, im not looking for experienced people, but people who are willing to learn. It may take months for us to do an entire game, but i believe with the proper motivation and will, we may pull it off. Thanks for reading my yap session and im hoping some of you may be interested :D