Reddit upload quality + average windows experience

Detroit : Become Human for me , nice story and really good replayability

Damn I was gonna finish it in a few hours , you beat me to it

Hunt is coming , just hold on a bit

Niceee you know what to do now… rainstorm babyyyy

The game is meant to be long term , no point in rushing it for short term satisfaction

Cait traps root doesn’t stun so if the enemy is an adc and you are in range they can still auto you

Plus it’s a new patch so item recommendations are always all over the place, but it’s still good on him

well they were gonna get my money and now they won't

rdr2 , skyrim , oblivion, portal 1 and 2 , half life 1 and 2 , bioshock 1 2 and both remastered and infinite, fallout 3 and 4, gta 5 and detroit become human

We going kraken pd with this one 🗣️🗣️