The West is funding a livestreamed genocide. No one should ever feel ok.

Good point. I also wonder if pharma will still keep their MLR teams if they are less worried about Warning Letters

I work in medical communications. This is a gd damn disaster. Pharma will be able to say WHATEVER they want now. Think back to the start of opioid pushing and expand that out to every single drug

I'm literally just fnishing up a regulatory writing program and I'm not sure if any of these regs will be relevant anymore...ahhh

But also as a consumer health writer we always check literacy rates and use 4th to 6th grade language 😞 This is recommended by most organizations and its really sad.

An antivax woman said she wanted to slit my throat so...crazies here too

The strange behaviors they cited were in fact beneficial! But it's mouse work

But won't you think of the zios harassed at their synagogue...where they were selling illegal land being cleared by a genocide

Every aid worker returning from Gaza says they've never seen anything like this in their life and yet people are still calling it a war. It's unbelievable.

  1. Share on social. 2. Boycott 3. Talk about it. 4. Sign petitions and email/call reps. 5. Support student encampments. 6. Protest. 7. Look into joining antiwar or pro Palestinian groups. 8. Do a dua (prayer)

Every little thing helps immensely. We are all emotionally devastated but right now is the time to organize and keep moving forward. Even if we can't stop it we can bring down the system that allows this to happen.

I go back and forth between depression and hope. There's no one way to cope. I've lost so many friends but we are not alone.

Blockbuster, no hesitation 

Go to Kensington and branch out from there. It's here you gotta find it

I write this content for doctors. They have credit requirements each year to keep their license so they have to go to lectures, watch online programs, or take quizzes to earn them. Continuing medical education is unbiased information. Pharmaceutical marketing through ads and targeted programs are biased toward certain drugs. There are more restrictions on pharma reps talking to doctors now but in any case unless they are in the top of their field a lot of drs are not fully up-to-date on new drugs or guidelines.

I go to social media to see the accounts of people literally on the ground...we can still see the news unfiltered through corporate media