I would lose my f*cking shit if someone separated or shared my daughter’s ashes without my consent. It’s such a betrayal of trust. When that’s all you have left.


I have a baby wrap and my breasts are big enough I can pull a breast out to the side with the baby wrapped on to me to pump. I also cross my legs on the bed and lay baby in my legs like a seat sometimes too.

He initially thought you were a cis woman and referred you to you by “she/her” pronouns until he found out you were “trans”. Then “accidentally” started referring to you by “he/him” pronouns. Would it not be the other way around if you had always known her as she/her?

Sounds like he was just trying to make a point/gauge your reaction/be reactionary.


I take a smaller thermos with me and put the bottle in the thermos cup with the hot water to warm it.

Your friends aren’t in a relationship with him, nor are they having to tolerate a porn addiction and his masturbation preferences. They are seeing him on his best behaviour.

This isn’t going to get better. He’s shown you he’s avoidant and unmotivated. He only does things out of perceived threat or crisis. This isn’t going to be a happy marriage and I think you know that.

I think you should finish and decide for yourself. If you decide you don’t love it, that’s ok. You will always have the degree to fall back on if times get tough.

I think it’s very dependent on WHERE you work and the culture of the workplace.

Therapy. Medication helped a lot. Getting outside more. Hiking in nature. Being creative - poetry, sewing, baking, needlepoint, painting. Once I got my anxiety under control, social activities like D&D.

Yep. I am really concerned for my daughters. I watch porn sometimes, but honestly, it takes forever to find something that isn’t revolting that it’s not worth it most of the time.

It feels like a really slow pee when you’ve been holding on for a long time lol.

I made my own puzzle board! I never thought to put a lazy Suzan underneath it. Genius!

He’s obviously not wearing deodorant or laundering his clothes.

You need to be upfront. It’s uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as living with the stench.

Yep, I was the same with my first. They had snacks and a tv. I loved it! Lol

I lol’d at the title. Even if you were straight I’d still find it funny lol.

I can relate to this from my own personal experience. My best friend and I had the same due date. She was induced 3 weeks early and my baby was full term stillborn. It took a very long time to meet her daughter. She just turned 2 in March and it is still incredibly painful to be around her. Knowing that is where my daughter would have been developmentally. Holding her still gives me chills sometimes. I have gone on to have my rainbow baby just this April, but it doesn’t take away the feeling every time I see her daughter.

If you haven’t experienced this kind of loss with the added connection, you can never know or imagine how it feels.