Franchise mode doesn't make them truckloads of money from kids using their parent's credit cards so I'm not holding my breathe. Been playing since NHL 2002 and have yet to play any online mode ever so it sucks for players like me.

Absolutely. It's sad to see considering the rest or the western world is beginning to see the light. 

As a Canadian, we've seen the destruction that a decade of this shit can cause and at this point people don't even publicly acknowledge they support Trudeau because it's so socially taboo and embarassing. Best of luck, UK.

They brought it on themselves by governing as left wing-lite. The people gave them a mandate and they dismissed it entirely. Hope the Brits are ready for at least a half decade of unchecked leftism. 

They say Starmer is a moderate but we all know how this is going to go.

These people are going to wear this shit like a badge of honor for the rest of their lives claiming that they're "jUsT LikE tHe ProTeStoRs FrOm tHe 60s" Fucking losers. 

The radical left has never done anything but destroy. It's what they do, they think beauty is oppressive or some BS about white/settler/colonial normativity.

Ahh yes, Trevor Kidd is a name I haven't thought of in a while. His checkerboard pads always made my eyes hurt.

Hell yeah we so rarely start off at home. It's ALWAYS in Toronto

And get him to 1000 games, dude is at 990 and Bergevin didn't want to bring him back for another year...

"Leafs eliminated in 1st round game 7 off a Chris Tanev turnover"

You know it's gonna happen 😂

For real, I don't know much about Nashville's cap situation but that looks like it will be a nightmare in a couple years if these guys start declining.

For real, I knew plenty of people who had a 4chan phase  at 15-16 where they got overly edgy until realizing how cringe it was. None of them are awful humans. People are acting like this guy was out of American history x.

Damn. Let's go for Chernyshov now 

Come on man, David Fischer and Louis LeBlanc got us 10 cups in an alternate universe! 😂

Worth it IMO. The probability of a second rounder making the NHL is actually remarkably low even compared to the early 20s. Still, hopefully it's part of a larger plan.

Very nice looking but looks like a Red Wings jersey, needs a touch of blue.

Can confirm. Pretty much everyone who worked in and around my old union was a self-identified communist/marxist.

The kind of smug people who use the unions as a vehicle to further their revolutionary agenda and think that this time it'll be THEM who get the revolution right. Losers.  Just make sure I'm not getting ripped off and that I have a relatively safe work environment. That's all, they can keep the rest of it to themselves.

So are EA and 2K just in cahoots with eachother for monopolies in each sports franchise?  I remember hearing the exclusivity contract was ending at some point.

 These games are such trash, all of them are badly in need of a kick in the ass. They've been getting away with offering a roster update and insignificant changes for far too long.

No chance he plays the rest of his career there. He'll be on a big market american team within 3 years. NHL will make sure of it.

Least effort I've ever seen in the last minute of a hockey game. Almost like they were letting them win on purpose I swear to god