“Mrow, I want on your lap. Now I want to climb you. Now I sit above you on your chair. Now I want down, but don’t want to jump. Pick me up. Pick me up. Pick me up. Pick. Me. Up. Now I’m hungry. Feed me. Now.”

It’s so you can quickly cover up what you’re working on, so other people can’t get to it. I’ve seen some rolltops like this that lock, too.

Corn husk dolls last longer. As long as you don’t get them wet. Like Mogwai.

Even his “goal” is just to have a budget for a year or two, without actually changing his spending and saving habits long-term. OP will never live within his means until he seriously realizes the problem with this mindset.

He’s been getting $8k bonus checks and only managed to pay off $3k in debt in the last 3 months. He’s not serious about it at all.

Everything he’s posting here is just lip service. It’s not real, because he still hasn’t even tried to make a budget. He’s raking in 6 figures a year and living like he doesn’t need a budget. That doesn’t magically change because he borrowed from his 401k.

He’s been getting $8k bonus checks and only managed to pay off $3k in debt in the last 3 months. He’s not serious about it at all.

Everything he’s posting here is just lip service. It’s not real, because he still hasn’t even tried to make a budget.

But you could easily tighten up your expenses and wipe this debt out in 6 months, without stealing from your future self. You’re still extremely short-sighted here. That is your actual problem.

If you don’t do the budget first, and change your spending habits first, all you’re doing is putting a bandaid on an arterial wound. You’re wanting a quick solution that doesn’t actually fix your problem, instead of doing the actual hard work of creating and sticking to a budget for the next 6 months. That’s why you’ll fail.

Oh, I know. But there’s tens of thousands of hours of security footage to comb through from that day. It’s insane. There are security cameras all over the Capitol building, for obvious reasons. I just think it’s hilarious that he thought just covering his mouth and chin would be enough to disguise himself, lol.

He, and everyone else pictured, was there for hours. There’s a crazy amount of security camera footage from that day.

I remember flipping back and forth between CNN and CSPAN a lot. A lot of footage like this was televised.

There were so many goddamned people there that day. I was off from work, and I ended up just watching the live coverage. It was insane chaos. For hours.

You didn’t realize it, because you’re not old enough to have sold your soul to the company store.

Well, the legal system disagrees with your opinion. And marriage has been a business arrangement since before modern religion.

My husband put his foot down about planning “do nothing days” on vacation, on our honeymoon lol. So now we have a few days here and there on vacation where we just sleep in, read, watch TV, and eat. It’s hard for me to not plan anything for those days, but it’s honestly not a vacation without them.

Who on earth, that has the ability to destroy it, wouldn’t know?!?!

The same dumbfucks from bumfuck nowhere that didn’t know about Chernobyl.

Yes, when you do them poorly.


One time, the vet I worked for and I had to vehemently disagree with a dog owner’s decision that letting the dog drink tea tree oil would cure her bladder infection. Another time, I had to strongly disagree with the owner who thought it’d just be cheaper to remove his dog’s ear lobe tumor with scissors at home. Poor dog.

Edit: One of my favorites is the ACTUAL MEDICAL ER DOCTOR who decided he could just suture up his dog’s cut on his own. Ended up with necrotic tissue and a deep tissue abscess that required 4 fucking drains and two months of rotating antibiotics to keep the dog alive.

I wish I could say those were the worst of them, but that was sadly so routine that they’re not even the stories I tell about my stupidest clients.

Something like 20% of me doesn’t want to believe that people are this stupid. But the rest of me remembers working with the general public for too many years…

The number of people I see moving furniture like this, just terrified me all over again.

I want to get a nicer, bigger boat to take friends/family out fishing, cruising, skiing.

I’m 20

Don’t party on the boat. I mean you, personally. Especially if you’re floating everyone home.

Drunk people die in the marina, a lot.