It wasn’t just her- they were all super awkward But they are always awkward

I don’t even think there was a conversation at all I think she’s full of shit

Well the crazies thing - she IS the main character 😖her audience —- they need a psych eval

Everything about this was cringy -EVERYTHING . No one can dance they don’t have any rhythm! and who the F is she kidding- she’s so far from “cool” It’s alllll bad

I really think she’s a huge bullshitter and says all this for attention I flew out of the country at 35weeks She seeks attention- period. Even her high risk stuff - idk how much I believe

I don’t think it’s funny tho- I mean it is but it’s really not wtf r these idiots ?!? These are truly lost souls


This woman is nuts - she needs her head examined

They could only bring a carry on - The employees are sharing rooms?!?!??

Hmmmmm 🧐

This company is seriously the worst That’s what they are looking forward to?? Food and DJ’s?!???

Every employee should have answered - meeting all of you!

That’s just BAD!

I don’t think anyone would complain about that lol

Looks like a pimple with a shit ton of makeup- per ushe

I have to waste a prayer tonight ….

🙏🏼Please please please no long line tomorrow🙏🏼- Amen

It’s more like


Yelling is her normal voice

She’s AF but I like that she’s not with the family nearly as much! At least she’s around people her age now


This woman need to have her head examined wtf is wrong w some people

This am didn’t she say when it’s just her she only needs 2 shirts and 2 pants and it’s so easy ?

I wonder if they do a kickback of some kind if an influencer shows up to the event

I’m sure this was discussed- why aren’t the colors Boston Red Sox colors ? Could this company’s marketing be any worse ???

Probably because they pay her- lots of people at my work could do my job but since they pay me I have to show up

But she could have grown up in Paris So i actually didn’t think that was weird especially since she is getting married there- Its weird to say i grew up In Europe I have friends from Europe They say- I grew up in France / London/ Germany They don’t say I grew up in Europe 🙄

I certainly don’t say I grew up in North America

I was so confused about that - he listed the families names on the save the date? Is that a thing? I’ve never seen that I would think it would say

The Denner FAMILY Who lists out the names?!

I actually thought it was a little odd of Blaire too tho How many countries has seen grown up in? I’ve never heard anyone say that before- has she “grown up ” in tooooo many countries to list?!?
She’s gonna fit right in with that comment

Edit to say- Paris is in Europe so i really don’t get it

I haven’t seen that - no one should see that That’s so unprofessional and disgusting- rt on brand

Papas episodes seem to be episodes of convenience I think he needs a break every so often

No returns really does make me think maybe they are closing NUUDS

She might be my least favorite at this point and the bar is so low that’s saying a lot