My first reaction was that tx fees are too low and therefore the cost of such an attack is also too low. How would more miners solve this issue?

Nonsense, there are no large servers in Switzerland which host any meaningful entertainment service. So blocking a site where the server sits elsewhere would not help in case of an electricity shortage in Switzerland.

🤮 taxation is theft, but who is John Galt?

make sure you are eating enough calories (main source is animal fat)

why not 1 or 1/10 ?

This isn’t propaganda because it’s not far from reality…

if you have to flee your country and come to mine i won’t accept your hyper inflated currency but your monero and Gold i will accept

Es hauptproblem isch nöd die Person sondern die, die nix sage und nix machen (Oder Polizei rufen wolln🤮) Man sagt dem er soll Platz mache oder man setzt sich auf ihn drauf und im schlimmsten Fall gibts eins aufs Maul.

if both lines are isolated from the ground (potential separeted) this is not that dangerous…

Why is it shitty of him saying it after the sex? Wouldn’t that make it just a hookup, which is fine?

I like your libertarian approach but i think that this is a negotiation (if you are willing to). He can ask you to not date any other people and you can ask for X and that’s how you negotiate a relationship. This is and always will be a negotiation (directly or indirectly). You are free to re-negotiate the terms anytime. I you can’t agree on the terms you go separate ways (or you are not willing to negotiate because you want to end the contract)

Dogshit! einzig richtig ist 0% but Who is John Galt?

I wouldn’t mind if she doesn’t shower. It doesn’t make a difference anyway in terms off the exchange of mouth bacteria.

Libertarian is the wrong word. Libertarians would never want you to live under any authority ever or want you to shut up. Sorry as an Objectivist/Libertarian I hade to make this right.

Istanbul is so far the best city I fave seen. The food is awsome and the city is amazing👌

Switzerland 🇨🇭

Mittelschicht gibst ja keine mehr, das sind jetzt alles Reiche, die >3k netto verdienen 😂

I assume china and russia would look into it or did already and would warn against their usage. This will not really help to fix the problem short term because there is no practical alternative to Intel or Amd so far but awarenes is important such that people support other chips (Risc V based) and companies.

You are right! I would also like to not give gov rewards to all canadian truckers (terrorists) and people who supported them and people who aren’t vaccinated (animals). And and and …

I would like to be invested in such a platform, but I let other people do the gambling part…

It’s not shilling when OP specifically asks for other privacy coins. Why are you all so hostile towards diversification? This makes me like my favorite coin less.