Fucking looney, isn't it. Like what the fuck. We went from geniuses like Benjamin Franklin to actual conmen

Fuck man.

Hate to say it but it sure seems like on a long enough timeframe, all relationships are transactional.

It takes less than 10 minutes to go on LinkedIn, see which people / businesses help build temples for the Mormon church, and identify their connections to senior church leadership

Has this sub always been "mildy"? I'm just now noticing this after years and years

Were it already spelled out the same as the recent SCOTUS ruling, a SCOTUS ruling almost certainly wouldn't have happened. Thus it is abundantly clear that USA law concerning prosecution of the president changed as a result of the SCOTUS ruling.

Show me the part in article 1 section 3 that explicitly demonstrates that official acts are unprosecutable.

It doesn't say it.

It is objectively true that the SCOTUS has explicitly made it the case that the presidency cannot now and in the future be prosecuted for official acts, per its ruling.

I'd wager it's normal for millions of people

Inky is a GREAT name. May he rest in peace ♥️♥️♥️

Dawg I don't think you get the significance of the SCOTUS ruling giving the president immunity for all official acts. Those scumbags didn't even take the time to define what counts as an official act.

Amen, and I'm glad I don't have kids. Never will. Not just because of this, obviously

As a huge aside, I think cops who break the law (and doing things like this should be against the law) should get 5x the legal consequence