I’m not sure those really qualify as “hammer” fists

More like overhead closed fist quasi-slaps

But I couldn’t understand anything past say it again

Cult45 doing #Cult45 things

I have laid out actual concerns which I can back up with facts and you just say “propaganda!”

I’m sorry that facts give you the mad/sads about your orange calf

Just move along and go send mango Mussolini some more money.


A cult start to finish. It’s always someone else’s fault. The leader is always right. The other side is both weak and ineffective, but also all powerful in a conspiracy against him.

The guy evangelicals support as God’s choice cheated on every spouse, and slept with pornstars while Melania was home with “Melania’s son”.

He illegally manipulated business records to cover up his payments. Which makes him a felon and a liar. The liar part is obvious, the convicted felon part is new.


He only hires the best! But then magically he hates and bad mouths everyone he hires. That’s weird for someone who hires the best.

He couldn’t even get a loan bc everyone knows he won’t pay you back because he is a liar and a cheat.

Come on…project more

For Cult45 it’s a feature, not a bug


It doesn’t match how some people use it today, but the definition is correct

If people want a term for Netanyahu’s brutality, find a different word

Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers of 34 felonies. Actually, who are we kidding, everyone on that jury is a much better person than Trump, but we have to say peers.

Trump and MAGA project at all times. You accuse others of what you are doing.

Trump tried to weapon use the DOJ, but was met with resistance. Biden never weaponized it all, and let the justice system do its job.

Trump bullied a GA state official to “find” him the votes he needed, and then incited a crowd of cultists to attack the US Capitol and stop the count. This should be enough. Full stop. He should be in jail in disgrace for the rest of his life.

Well, Biden should take notes

It looks like an incumbent has all sorts of advantages

It sure was nice of SCOTUS to tell Biden that the President is essentially a King while he is still in office.

These are not good people

They are selfish and not concerned with others feelings or well being

You should tell her how upset you are that she put your health at risk by not telling you, and that she needs to get out.

Trump absolutely did try to jail his opponent. “Lock her up!” Ring a bell?

Biden has nothing to do with this. Period. Stone cold fact.

That is objectively false

Biden restored our role in NATO and didn’t alienate the rest of the G7 just to get a top 40 economy Russia) in. What a weird thing to do for the US with NO payoff.

When Trump left they were storing bodies in freezers, job creation was negative, unemployment was horrific, and the deficit was the largest in history. Yeah…it was great lol

Biden got a few things wrong, Trump bold face lies to our face. He has documented lies in the tens of thousands during his term.

I only care about your opinion bc it brings us one step closer to authoritarianism. The orange tzar.


You disagree with Biden/Dems? Ok.

Support Trump?? Nope. There is no real selling point other than lies and hate.

Everything about him is corrupt and fake. Businessman? He bankrupted a freaking casino. His big plan to solve the deficit was to take a haircut on the debt. That is mind numbingly awful.

That’s a lot of unfortunate ignorance

I don’t know anyone who had an experience like that

I know who ppl who felt bad, even for several days. But I haven’t even heard of anyone with a reaction like that, much less everyone.

So, if you were hosting a dinner party, you would make individual meals for every person?


I agree that you should make an effort tonight find out what people like, but it’s a get together focused on being with people, not a restaurant with a menu.

The focus is the company…

So, when people invite you over for dinner, and you show up with a bag from Arby’s for you, you think that’s fine?

Good luck with everything

My hunch is that he was grumpy and controlling. She wanted her own career so he would not own her.

You show some independence and he is mad.

If this is real, then you married an ass hole.

Get the cert and start finding a way to support yourself. Also, consider a divorce lawyer.

Sounds like he sees a wife as an employee, not an equal.

Yes, you are allowed to do it

Other people are allowed to consider it to be rude or just odd

It’s really all dependent on the dynamics/tradition of a particular family. But if you really care you are more worried about your relationship than a burger and fries. If you don’t, then you aren’t.

Are you positive he is an adult?

I cook plenty, but when my wife is away I’ve been known to eat a crappy meal. But then I feel terrible and don’t even want it.

How did he want more TB and honeycomb? Disnr he feel awful?

Is he aware that Door Dash also delivers food from other restaurants?

I’ll assume the hate and lying are a feature and not a bug for you.

You did the right thing!

I started reading this expecting it to say the dog tried to run out the door and he stuck his foot out to stop it and accidentally kicked it. What you wrote was horrible. It’s even worse that he’s a cop.

He should never be allowed to own a pet.

You need to respond to the ATT account with the details

Asking for good reviews is one thing, misusing a customer’s phone to do it is off the chart bad.

You are defending an orange sexual assaulting narcissistic felon who lied constantly.

What you are saying is that you prefer someone who lies vigorously to a good hearted and well informed old man who stumbles over his words sometimes.

I wish Biden would have let someone else run this time, but I’ll back him all day every day over Trump and his J6 insurrection.

But that’s a selling point for you?

I get it. We all do. But if you were going to buy anything it had to be something as a dish to add to what they were having…and something that your wife and MIL agreed to.

Otherwise, don’t bring the food. It’s not worth the hard feelings.

Now, just apologize.

I’m sorry

That stinks

But your mom is literally swimming in MAGA kool aid