Only if you are an uptight prude american who hate skin showing

Trump supporters get dumber by the day

It removed all rpg elements from one of my top turn based rpgs no leveling bad battle system no intresting npcs

That is a pie not a jar with picled herring

arceus was ok at firast but after sv came out arceus felt obsolete all it has over sv is performence

it was always worth it dont let the loud minority haters trick you into that its not because they are ovver sensetive, i seen bethesda games get praised tons and they are much buggier

the issue is disney only like to add what they consider important add ons to the game thats why we get lot newer disney over older ones and they sadly defenitly wont add disney channel stuff over actual disney movie ones, expecting that is just setting up for being disapointed they have not even added most of the iconic disney ones yet, oswald was only added for the disney 100 year anniversery

luckily all memory sphears count for the 200 one

its the reason i always leave my thorns and splinters for those star path missions unless they block my path

i checked every hour and it seems to be plenty back then but one or so every 20 min could be true also

i belive you need to mine them not take them from storage

none but i do anything to get rid of entiled fans that always coplain at the games

done that since oras personally never named it in rse

this there was no female mark show on eevee in the video it also looks like you dont have the uppgrade that show the gender before the fight or you forgot to show it by targeting it

Ranked is a next of sweats and try hards

Had it since release total 1000+ h only crashed 5 times note I play on day 1 switch too

Not much he has not Done big important stuff in years

Wii u was great though better then ps4 in my opinion

I never ess annoying enough in tutorial quest never even enter the boutique