You can dm me, maybe I could help with practising when you're ready.

I usually do 25 twice a day, so 50 every day.

Да можно так сказать, просто именно в таком сочетании редко говорят. Я бы сказал " я заебался думать". Вообще вот это более органичная конструкция "я заебался [делать что-то]"

I see US goverment as ignorant fuckers who want to rule the whole world but are incapable to do so and just desperately lead and sponsor pointless wars all over the globe. However, you guys will lose every one of them, including Ukraine.

Lol dude your opinion is legit unpopular but it doesn't have any argumentation apart from "old people bad young people good". What makes you think our generation is better than every previous?

humanity is going up

Progress is not linear. I mean some things get better, some things get worse. And it depends on the perspective.

Guys, don't be so hard on George. He's an old man already, his mind doesn't work as it used to work in his 30s and 40s. I believe when he tries to write something he just stares at the blank sheet and does nothing. Maybe he thinks he's gone too far with his announcements and now is afraid of massive hate so he keeps feeding us with these breakfasts, or maybe he himself can't accept the obvious – I don't know. I want "Winds" as much as you all do but we have to accept that it just won't happen.

I hope I didn't upset you by sayng I find it a bit cringy. It's the matter of your personal choice anyway :) Just wanted to give an honest and valueble advice

Actually "злой" matches the word "псих" grammatically as far as both of the words are masculine

So you want like an adjective for the word "псих"?


No offense, but to a Russian native such tattoo would seem a bit cringy (at least in my opinion). While the word "evil" in English has this cool dark and gloomy connotation and associates with some movie badass villain, the word "злой"/ "злая" in Russian is way more neutral and can mean basically anything, it's actually closer to "angry" or "mad" or even "irritated" in English.

and without inhalating the smoke from that fire lol

C'mon bro, you're never too old to be a gamer

Lol these guys in the comment section with healthy relationships 😂

Who are you trying to fool?

hahaha dude, most of the wars in middle east is sponsored by the US and other major powers. It's you western MFs, not middle eastern countries to blame.

Khabib's full Russian speach translation

"And now for my fans, and it would not be quite right to say "to my fans from Russia", so let's say "to all Russian-speakers", thank you so much, when I started all of this in 2008, and when I signed for UFC and had the first fight in 2012, many didn't believe in me, many thought it would be impossible. I'm a simple guy from a regular village in the mountains of Dagestan, who came over here. Just yesterday my brother told me: "According to Google you are the most discussed person on the planet". I simply couldn't believe it, because if you can imagine, I never had any of this on my mind, it was just my father and I dreaming of becoming the champion one day. I could have never imagined so much could happen to me. If you have parents, be close to them, and that's it. I have only one parent left, my mother. I would like to dedicate more time to her".