
noun prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. "a programme to combat racism"

Tbh the Slovenes only have a good goalkeeper and that’s it

Fr so that mfs that post shit like this (OP) don’t get to reside here

This is why I tell people I use reddit for porn

Shouldn’t have made it trough the group stage at all

Gimmick ratio account that was popular during lockdown

:alw3: Balkan-Indian War Vet

Tbh Tito was setting yugoslavia up for economic failure

:alw3: Balkan-Indian War Vet

When religion dies, so does conservatism and what happens next is there is a prime minister marching with LGBT

No, you are really wrong about this and this is the only part I dislike: He grew a hatred towards Muslims

Immediately after taking Krujë, Scanderbeg returned to the faith of his ancestors[6]. In truth, as Fallmerayer notes, he never stopped being Christian[7], but had become Mohammedan only in appearance, under his father's influence, after the misfortune of 1430. His return to the Christian faith was not merely a diplomatic move, like the one of his father who had changed his religion often. A bloodshed ensued after this event. All Muslim colons and all those who had changed their faith in the Castle of Krujë and the other castles were called to choose between Christianity and death. Most of them refused to change their faith and paid with their heads. They were ruthlessly massacred[8]. This cruel act was not in vain. In the customs of that age, it was the declaration of a sacred war, written in blood, of a war, from which there could be no retreat. Skanderbeg, therefore, cut all ties with previous times. After this cleansing, he returned to Krujë and celebrated Christmas by baptising his nephew, Hamza[9], the son of a Muslim woman, whom Stanisha had married in Turkey[10]. About fourteen years later, this very nephew returned to Islam, with which he had grown since he was a kid.

[8] "And so he ordered that all Turks who did not want to be baptised be killed". Franco, chapter 2, page 5 v. Compare Barletus, "Vita", Book 1, page 17–18

Yeah, they took the regime from a state atheism dictator (which if there was a true democracy in Iran this would’ve probably never happened because the coup was reactionary)

My man project flipping died with the holding period