Bray Wyatt defeating Roman Reigns for the Blue Universal championsip. He was the first holder of that blue championship in the first place

In my Universe, Sensational Sherri teaming up with Molly Holly and their Tag Team name is the Mega Stars. They are heel.

Giant Gonzales Classic Undertaker (mortician) Kingkong Bundy Sgt Slaughter Bambam Bigelow Classic Kane (original mask) Great Khali Viscera (Ministry) The Godwins Tito Santana EL Matador Bull Nakano Jazz Victoria Triple H DX Roaddogg Leviathan Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner Kamala Big Boss Man (Shield Attire) Val Venis Steve Blackman IRS Tatanka Ric Flair Cowboy Bob Orton

I use them and re- write the story… its all about your ultimate fantasy in your head brother

Exorcism of Doudrop. Chyna is really powerful

2k23 because of the Steiners, Bray Wyatt & Uncle Howdy

Chyna vs Trish Stratus for the Womens Championship… they stole the show. Sometimes if you let the A.I do the match it will result to a classic 5 star match.

I have three shows

Nitro - NwO domination (I will not add new members i stick to the four +1 (Bischoff) want Hogan, Hall, Nash, Xpac to be like UE storylines

ECW- Dexter Lumis as a pscyho freak Champion who will be undefeated for 1 year

Raw is War- Andre the Giant as heel (mix crowd) the main antagonists are The Authority (HHH, HBK, Shane O, Vince, and Stephanie as the RAW Commisioner. The Rock having open challenge every episode for his IC title. Big Boss man as MItB winner. Edge having rebel anti authority attitude along side with SCSA as my own version of Two man Power trip. Bobby Roode as a main heel in the making. Bret Hart, Anvil, British Bulldog looking for 4th member of Hart foundation who will it be (i like suggestion from you guys)