I don't think he had a good enough angle to see or not see the web hole. Hughie had his back to the other wall when he sat on the cake. And he stayed fully clothed while Ashley was doing her thing.

It's also a pain because the PS app is garbage. I have great internet and it doesn't help with that app at all. I really miss being able to upload screenshots to Twitter.

Lots of people (me included) list them at 40k caps, mostly for memes (or defense against an old bug, in case if it ever comes back). They're not really worth anything though. Whoever bought it either didn't know or was just feeling silly.

It probably wasnt a picture. There's an app that scans the barcode and then they're supposed to scan an item from the cart. It's not new, but used inconsistently in my experience. 

It's like ground up tea that you just stir into cold water.

It's as gross as it sounds.

Yeah. The pipe counts as an "object encounter". It can spawn anywhere that type of random encounter can.

It's a random encounter. It's not guaranteed to be anywhere.

I noticed her yesterday.... Selling the gauss minigun.... After I hit max rep with raiders and bought it 2 days ago. RIP

Just a funny way of bringing up a bug. The Skyline Valley update messed something up with Biv.

Eh. Different speeds for different people. It took me like 2 years to catch up from 0.

I just picked a random time that sounded reasonable. 

Looking forward to this update in like a year. You won't be ready for this. Lol

Reading these comments makes me feel like I carry too little. Lmao. I leave my camp in the 40-60 range. And I scrap/sell/scrip every chance I get.

I like picking stuff up and I hate being close to or over my weight limit.

Any resource item is gonna be popular. For me specifically, I need that oil for fuel. Gotta feed that Holy Fire.

but I'm pretty sure Nuka Cola has citrus in it...

So all we need to make cheese is Nuka Cola My Blood's In It.

Seasonal currency would be dope. Sounds better than my idea. Lol.

I was thinking they should give us an extra reward slot and split the drops. So like... You'd always get a common, and then the other slot would be for uncommon and rares. Still might take a while to drop that glowing mask, but it would make those 10 witch masks in a row hurt less.

I knew people who wore cloaks. And it's not that hard to buy a cloak. Lol

I mean.... She was 15. She could've been an edgy teen. Or picked up the cloak specifically so people wouldn't see it was her. Solid teenager logic to me.

Like you just need a chassis? Here's a list of confirmed locations.


You can actually just check 1 spot and server hop if it isn't there. Shouldn't take too long.


I didn't think there were many either (and the first day or 2 there probably wasnt). Last night, I saw 16 people "in the event" and there was like 6 of us.

Edit: I was just playing and 2 different people on the server glitched their camps into the sky above Helvetia. So they could afk more hidden.

Hmm.... I wonder if I count as an og? 🤔 I played on release, but then quit for like 5 years. You might have more play time than me. Lol