If you are having difficulties, then go ahead and level up. I am doing my run on NG+, and was struggling at 150.

And they are correct in saying it. SotE bosses are built different.

Respectfully, none of the bosses from DKS or DS2 are even remotely on the same level, and from DS3, only Gael and Midir come close.

The games have gotten harder with time, to match the evolving skill of the fanbase. Is that so hard to believe?

Same. I killed exactly 1 (the first one I met), decided that it was way too much effort, and have run from every other one since. Good lads.

Bayle was such a fun boss for me. Lightning going everywhere, Igon screaming and shooting harpoons, me panicking... good times.

Same thing with Umberlee, Goddess of the Sea, The Bitch Queen, known to be petty, cruel, vain, greedy. A Chaotic Evil Entity.

Despite that, pretty much EVERY sailor is worshiping her, lest she obliterate them at sea.

We don't need "good aim" where we are going

Big yes. I was on attempt 10+ on Legendary, and was despairing an even more difficult 3rd phase, but I was so surprised and delighted.

Oh my god, I have wondered about this for years. Thank you for the concise answer.

We don't need "good aim" where we are going

Warlock since D1 HoW. I always gravitate towards spellcasters in RPGs, and Warlock is well and truly the 'Space Wizard' of the 3 classes. Nova Bomb is my love.

Not really a fan of how Titan plays, but I have a Hunter that I play rarely and they are really fun.

Same. It do not regret it; I played dozens of great PS4 games. But since switching over to PC, I simply cannot imagine going back to playing on console. The difference in load time alone is simply unbelievable.

We don't need "good aim" where we are going

Everybody else has said the important things, I am going to remark on this: 'Guardians make their own fate' truly encapsulates my feelings on what makes the Destiny story so wonderful. It's about going up against truly impossible odds and winning. Guardians are pushed further and further with every new foe, and suffer countless defeats; but in their most dire hour, they always succeed.

I need this to be said at an important part of the campaign or raid. Its important on a spiritual level.

We don't need "good aim" where we are going

That's the way I think of it too. After the Guardian helped recover/uncover her clutch of eggs, and find what happened to Taranis, Riven decided to do one good wish.

Oh wow. I have never thought about this. But yeah, I do my phone entirely left-handed (typing, browsing, etc). Like, right (dominant) hand not involved in any way.

Depends on how MAD you are, buuuuut:

16 ASAP. Start with it.

If MAD: 18 at lvl 8

If SAD: 20 at lvl 8

You can get away with 18 in your main stat for the entire game (IMO) if you are not a caster.

Disco Elysium is a really special game. There are a lot of games that act philosophical and try to be intelligent, but DE is one of the few that I feel actually pulled it off. It is hilarious and tragic and so terribly GROOVY.

+2 Kim TRULY trusts you, is one of the greatest payoffs to a gaming relationship in existence.

The absolute FEAR when he realized it could come out of the water.

Tell me about rocks please. Something I probably don't know.


It took me months to get the order straight, and I still have to sing it in my head whenever I have upkeep effects happening.

Very Vanilla of me, I know, but [[Cyclonic Rift]]

Nothing says 'Blue Win Condition' like 'put everything I don't own (besides lands) back in the hand (so I can [[Counterspell]] them).

More importantly, it inflicts despair to the table, and makes everybody hate you, and that is important if you want to play blue.

Okay, there IS a rationality to it, but as you can imagine, it is twisted.

The idea behind filling out the boxes and such, is that a computer algorithm checks those and compares them with the requirements set by the employer. If there is enough that matches, then the computer sends the actual resume to the employer to actually read.

Yes, a program is deciding if a human gets to even look at your resume. Yes, these things sometimes break or have faults. Yes, even when the resume gets to the employer, they still might not look at it.

Quick addendum- To avoid this issue, you could try to add a pause after any spell is cast, or even ask if the player wants to counter whenever one is cast.

You do not roll a save against a spell that hasn't finished casting. You are correct.

Once you roll a save, you are acknowledging that the spell has 'resolved' and its effects come into play. You cannot counter a spell that is finished casting.