This is the first time I have ever seen a broken hinge on a 3ds.

It's the universe telling you to play a better game.

The two that I currently have. 04 GSXR 600 and a 04 Vstrom 1000.

Both are exactly what I want in a bike. GSXR for the short spirited rides and the vstrom for long trips and exploring the back country roads.

Pull the whole ass out. No guy no problems.

So have you tried them yet, Pringle can man?

I ride mine, but I also have a pretty light winter in my area.

That's really funny, but that should have never happened. I make my Goldens tail look like a lions tail every once in a while, but I'd never do that to someone else's dog.

I would have died laughing if I saw that in person.

I hope my daughter will stay as affectionate as yours. I'm probably gonna cry the first time she doesn't hold my hand across the street.

Yeah, especially with the badge adhesive. Goo-gone or some IPA does just fine. For a fraction of the cost and less mess.

Let me tell you how I taught myself.

Firstly I had a slight grasp on how to drive a manual vehicle. Never had one, but drove a friend's 5 speed s10 around very little. Like twice.

I started by watching videos. A lot of them for months. One that really stood out was Doitwithdan's how to ride a motorcycle .

It was by far the easiest thing for a beginner to wrap thier haed around. I have been using it to help teach new riders around me since the guy uploaded the video.

I started with clutch control unfortunately in my garage. My very first rookie mistake. Not enough clutch and too much throttle. I simply yeeted the bike through my garage door. Learnt my lesson. Only outside from that point forward. So I went to my back yard and started to get a grasp on the clutches friction zone and when and how much throttle to apply. I rode up and down my rural rode a few times until I built the courage to venture out on the main road.

I stayed under 30mph for a handful of trips through town. The first time I went 45mph it felt like I was going Mach 1. It was spooky, but I eventually got comfortable with highway speeds and then it was a gradual speed increase as well as a confidence on the bike.

The next time I haddalayer down was doing a u-turn up a steep hill and I was in 2nd instead of 1st. That was like 3 months in to riding.

BlueRetro Gaming Store

This link might be thier current aliexpress store front.

I used the one the website links too. I didn't realize it was sold out.

None. It's like using a wired controller.

Check this out. I bought the PS2 version and it works very well.