Absolute garbage. I salute thy.


“Oi, guys. We do we jump him?”
“Nah, send Gerome. I think he’s the guy for it.”
“Go get the cup dude.”
“Kay…” (Insert Cup Splash)

The kid was suicid@l!!1!1!1



So much bad art on R/PoppyPlaytime. I mean, i cant do digital art that well, but darn.

I’d like to see a show with the Shiny Weepinbells, or at least a little singin’.

What do you do with unsupervised toddlers?

Yeah, theres some memes like, just a suggestion; Elon saying he’s racist or something like that. But i DO enjoy this. Im not a ranked player, but this does add a little more spice to the game. Less to no cars in a season where cars are very important is pretty cool.

Ah, k. Thought this was one of them twitter edits

What do you do in the White House?

Breakingpong Bad-san, featuring Gus Pingpong!

Garden Warrior


Zomboss rn: