Faith in souls 1 was dogshit early even if you somehow find the lighting spell that requires 20 faith to even see the covenant without helping online. Pyro was infinitely better for every boss except qualag and demon of isalith and required litteraly no stat investment and had 0 scaling

Isn't the joke in that episode exactly that krusty is supposed to be a a local celebrity that's internationally famous? It's probably the only time celebrity cameos ever make sense. More than Mel Gibson flying homer out to write a movie anyway.

The hush money wasn't what was illegal it was the miss use of campaign funds. There is a recording of him saying to do it.

That's not how courts work. They go through each conviction and determine on an individual basis if they are guilty. Conviction usually leans on the probability a crime was committed rather than infallible evidence, especially with paper trail crimes. It makes more sense that there is evidence of fraud that the person's boss ordered the underlings to commit the crime.

You are clearly drinking the coolaid and I will nolonger reply to bad faith bias arguments.

If you think the Trump trials are anything but legitimate you are a fool. He basically hand picked the jury.

I will concede the stormy Daniels stuff is a bit of a witch hunt, but that doesn't mean he didn't commit the crimes, just that fraud is not normally prosecuted in America.

You guys? Bro I'm not even American let alone a democrat

You could say that about most ash of wars. I played my first playthrough without them or spamming jump attacks and they game was considerably harder.

I would argue that most ash of wars are very strong once you know how to build around them, which was not immediately obvious at launch for infusable weapons with the exception of the really broken ones like horfrost stomp.

The meta posts are fine/funny. The political posts kinda suck though.

Democrats fall in love Republicans fall in line.

All those people who say they will refuse to vote for biden out of principle are fucking morons and are potentially also a large minority.

They will appeal all the way till the election. I doubt he will see the inside of a cell until at least then.

Then how come I spend all my money and inflation goes up?

Australians hate being called racist and newspapers know this which is why they constantly share opinions of people calling Australians racist. What would be a better use of our time than arguing would be fire bombing newscorp.

While funny he's not doing any favours for himself looking like a crazy old senile person.

I had to terminate one of these exactly once in my life in order to get my open cablers licence. Took 2 fucking hours.

I like the drone range increase one but 200% it's way too strong even without any other buffs.

Shitposting groups are leaking again. This sub is for cropped porn only.

Yes and no. I know someone who regularly salary sacrifices higher end cars and flips them he says for the price there are better cars that hold their value. Most evs are 100k for decent ones which is a lot of car in the ICE world.

Yes yes quality is dog shit everyone knows that, it does make a tiny bit of sense if you are using strength or dex for your spells though like the claw talisman but require min starts in weapons like curved greatswords.

I think technically, there are no "first" days of the week unless you take "weekend" literally or see the start of the "working week" as the first day. Even using that logic, the first day of the week would change from person to person based on their days off and days worked.

A key point the abc regularly misses is that its possible to be critical and even potentially be one sided ethically.

Unpartisan is different to bipartisan. If a politician fucks up that bad it is your duty to call them out on it, not act like both sides are equally valid.

If these statements bother you guys so much put in an official complaint and get them cancelled like those privliage bridge twats.

It's amazing that the abc still hasn't figured out that Australians hate being called racist, especially after the voice vote.

I don't know how valve is going to stop them since the source code got leaked. Any holes they plug for injecting code will have new exploits found pretty well instantly. Limiting name changes on steam would help a little I guess.