Luck being involved doesn’t mean it’s a lottery. Luck is involved in getting basic jobs too. It takes a lot more to get those jobs, fully conceding that there’s nepotism and other biases working against many people. That doesn’t take away the skill it takes to get there.

Yeah these narratives are so removed from reality. Literally every major US city has crime levels that are a multitude of ours. “But let’s just arm them! That’ll teach the criminals!”

Definitely not what I said. I’m saying punishment is being dished out - you can disagree with the severity of it, that’s another argument but let’s not pretend there’s no punishment. Go read my comments again.

And the political stuff from you is funny. You disagree with me? Must be a cuck liberal. Again, you don’t know how I vote. Maybe you should go out a bit more to get exposed to people who think differently than you despite voting the same, it’ll do you some good.

Except there is - there’s literally degrees of crimes, 1st degree murder is punished more severely than 3rd degree or manslaughter. My point is you can’t jail people Willy Nilly without due process, regardless of how strongly you feel about. And why bring politics into it? You don’t know how I vote.

He can try but this stuff is pretty sticky. I’ve known people who got charged with misdemeanour equivalent crimes here and still can’t set foot in the US despite a sizeable legal bill. I’m just saying, he’s going to get punished - we can debate the severity of it but I get the judges point that he doesn’t have a record. That said, he’s still human scum. Lol

Except statistics don’t agree with you - Tampa has a homicide rate of 13/100k inhabitants while Toronto is at 3-4/100k inhabitants.

Again, the guy in the video here is obviously human scum and should be penalized for it. But there’s a reason why we have a progressive justice system - it has its flaws but definitely better than the US system where you have for profit prisons and a large % of the population is just sent to jail for absurd reasons.

What if he’s born here? We live in a civilized society and that’s why our first instinct isn’t to just jail people. You can see how well that’s working out for our neighbours to the south.

Ahh Ackman. The answer to the question: what if Buffett was 1/20th as good but liked to appear on CNBC 4x more?

That is punishment. You can debate the severity of it but it’s definitely punishment.

Yeah, except consequences of a criminal charge on your record are pretty annoying. Leaving the country? Have fun at immigration when you arrive. Want a decent job? Oops, sorry. Good luck with some financing and bank credit too. It’s not easy getting around it unless you’re well off anyways.

That’s LCBO propaganda at play. “Come pay us extra and let us run as we see fit because we are so big so scale advantages”, meanwhile Costco out in Alberta sells the same stuff for 1/2 the price. Classic.

This is basically the song and dance Lance and his fan base does each season. It was the same with Perez, then it was Vettel where it was being said “we are closer than people give us credit for” meanwhile Vettel is dragging that turd to a podium while boy wonder here is struggling to get 5 points on the board.

Alonso hasn’t been himself these last 2-3 races and even then Lance was unable to capitalize on anything (including Alonso giving him a free pit stop) and ended up binning it into the barriers. He’s not a rookie anymore.

Yeah except you’re bringing up poor examples of pedestrian family streets that we have to counter the other comments…you’re effectively saying “it isn’t that bad” when as a matter of fact, it really is. Montreal does a way better job of keeping its cities for people instead of catering to cars like we do. Sorry, those are just facts.

80k CC (was 125k) + 10k LoC. Would agree with others, too much unsecured credit isn’t worth much and leaves you exposed on the identity theft side. I’m working on reducing my CC availability further - had a bunch of cards I was churning so waiting for that bonus period to end.

Delayed gratification. Hitting that $100k+ income mark felt like an achievement but you have to a) recognize that you’re earning well but don’t have wealth accumulated yet, which is key for financial independence and b) you’ll be better rewarded trying to further up your income from that level vs. pinching pennies at the grocery store.

Value investing is simply buying things below intrinsic value. That always works as that’s investing 101. Just because you don’t know which kinks are out there doesn’t mean they don’t exist - that’s where the hard work comes in. Plenty of practitioners in this field. Buffett’s methods would’ve 100% served him well even if he was born today. Maybe he wouldn’t be worth $100B but people of his mindset (always learning, high IQ, logic and numerically driven and a great temperament) always do well in this game.

And I’d stop being so pessimistic on your generation’s outlook. Just because the boomers had it better in certain respects then that doesn’t mean there’s no innovation left. People in the 1920s were claiming the same thing you’re claiming today - how well did that turn out.

Your opinion is basically: everything is expensive now so it’s impossible to succeed. That’s an absurd way to look at things. Back when Buffett was getting started, the tax burden sat well above where we have - inflation, post war unemployment and pricing and related things were just as bad if not worse. I’m not that much older than you btw. There’s some merit to what you’re saying of course but you haven’t studied Buffett and Value Investing enough to actually understand the extent of your statement or have a nuanced perspective on things.

Buffett has answered this question himself a few times - if he was starting out today, he would be looking to exploit a kink in the market. And these kinks ALWAYS exist. When he started, the kink was that following the Great Depression, you had companies trading below their liquidation value so you could theoretically buy shares in a bunch of these companies, one would take off heavily and you’d get a handsome return. Graham model basically functioned this way. You can search a bit here and you’ll find people that practice this even today and they do fairly well. The same is true for his investments subsequent to this - he’s buying durable franchises he understands at reasonable prices. You have the same information he does in this case.

My advice? Learn to work smarter. There’s always kinks in the market. Market reflects the collective psychology of all participants. If all you do is form a view based on numbers and not sentiment, you’ll come out ahead in the long run. I’d demonstrate here with an example but I work at a fund and I don’t want to create a conflict of interest on social media but there’s plenty of value investors that practice this method on a smaller scale and have been doing fairly well (including myself).

Thing is most people don’t know this - you are able to negotiate with the airline to be put on an earlier flight but circumstances vary and understandably, Air Canada would rather keep the cash and get you to your destination later while avoiding all the blame instead of giving you a ticket for American. I’ve done the same with WestJet once, they got me on an AC flight because of “weather”.

Trading has nothing to do with Buffett - you clearly don’t understand a thing about what he does from the quality of your response. Buffett specialized in buying businesses that were trading below liquidation value and if you really think “everything was doing 50%” back then, you clearly haven’t read in a long time.

Not to be nit picky but how are you close to UP? Unless you count taking the Exhibition GO to Union then the UP in which case you’re not really close to UP.

This kinda experience is a perfect advertisement for clutch and similar services. Super simple without dealing with this kinda scum.

I’ve used my AMEX in places such as Elora, ON, Grande Prarie, AB and Fort St. John, BC. Most stores that are in these places take it including IGAs, Walmarts and Canadian Tires. Canadian Tire alone covers about 90-95% of the Canadian population store proximity wise. And most Canadians actually DO live in places with decent merchant acceptance.

Again, this is a tired point that’s way overblown. If it doesn’t work for you and your shopping patterns, don’t get it but please don’t go spreading around FUD on AMEX acceptance.

My problem is you said “no one accepts AMEX” instead of stating what you’re stating now which is “acceptability will depend on where you’re located”. AMEX isn’t accepted everywhere Visa/MC are but people exaggerate the difference way too much. Where I am, majority of small business owners take it too but like you said, it depends on where you are.