Oh boy, I would love that. It's just as good as the comics. 💥💥💥👍🏾

For sure... they were going to develop him then just stopped...

Coons have to be coons... one would guess.

Duke Von Diaper Don would always try to run the scam that his family was Swedish. The family name is the German Drumpf and they anglicized it to Trump. Always wanting to execute innocent people... well the Central Park Five sure want to see him fall for sure.

Kudo for you. I was raised in 1964 four miles from the Trump family in Jamaica Estates... I grew up in Cambria Heights and no one from Queens who knew him or his Klan family would support him.

Another scholar here. Well KKK Fred Trump the poppa was arrested in Jamaica, Queens the town that his village of Jamaica Estates is part of in the 1930s wearing a full KKK hood and robe while identifying himself to the Queens (NYC) NYPD as a Klan member. I am well versed in all things regarding the Drumpf/Trump family. Grandpappy Trump was a brothel owning pimp in the Yukon while skipping out of the Kaiser's Germany a second time to avoid the draft. Sort of reminds one of Captain Bonespurs also known as Duke Von Diaper Don. Hats off for your comment. Thanks.

That's a BINGO....

You wrote it very WISELY...

Hey lay off on Apartheid Elmo there... I also got an emerald mine for my birthday from my father filled with half starved and seemingly compliant African men. /s

You guys are...everywhere... Very detailed and a good treatise for this conversation.

They would really help by calling it the crooked cross as what it really is. I forgot for the moment the German appellation.

After the war... you will still be a Nazi... but no one will know... let me fix that... " In Aldo Raine's voice

"That's a BINGO... did I say it right?"

This is how democracy dies... with thunderous applause...

In the book the Holocaust, one of the Jewish protagonists is taken into a model camp and the Nazis take down his history to a point. Of course they already know it. They ask him..."tell us the name of the Jewish whore that shat you upon this earth?"... answer "my mother is no whore"...Nazi response is a quick whack with a truncheon... "all Jewish women are whores"... He finally tells them his mother's name. The disinterested Nazi secretary then asks..."what is the name of the Jewish pimp that screwed her..." response "my father is not a pimp" (his father is a doctor)... then the Nazi secretary nods to the guards to take him out and beat him to an inch of his life.

It never matters as to your ancestry to the supremacist. You are the monolithic amorphous THEM... both powerful collectively yet vermin like to be literally exterminated so as not to "contaminate" Aryans or Aryan adjacent. This works like clock work on "good ones", tokens and enablers of all stripes. Then they become.... unnecessary... superfluous... then the camps for you. /s

Enslave about 10-15% of the Slavic People, then work them to death. Keep a smaller remnant population alive to do dirty killing jobs. For 85% of Slavic People... straight up a chimney /s. The self-hatred is surreal.

All you Black folks can leave.... not you Stephen...

I had this for my first year in college back in 1981 until I got the inevitable yet welcome reminder from Reich Wing White people that even though you are a "good one" you are still one of THEM. Paraphrasing of course. It can be quite the welcome revelation.

OMG... I guess you have to learn how to be a "good" African American. /s