Finally, I have an answer to this. I was curious of why over the years the songs would randomly change.

See ball, hit ball. You’re welcome

Sorry I just looked at this but in the actual phone settings menu not in the app

I don’t think your pay affects it. I could be wrong but I’ve taken max contracts before and never noticed an uptick. Also I read that taking the minimum contract allows your team to sign better free agent players

Side question, once you pick your wild card players are they locked in permanently or can they be swapped whenever?

Can you change your wild card players after picking them for season 2? Or is permanently locked in

I know what you mean. When I come back from a break I go straight to batting practice for a solid 20min to get my timing down

Completely reset the console reset the WiFi. That fixed mine awhile back

Unfortunately Nike stuff isn’t buyable or sellable right now. It’s pretty frustrating

Has anyone else had this happen?Question :snoo_thoughtful:

I just purchased the Captain pack for 40k on the mobile app, opened it and the app crashed. Now the stubs are gone but so is the pack….anyone else had this happen?

Chris Martin has been good for me or Billy Wagner

This happened to me, it was brutal. Pick up the Taylor Ward hyper card he’s a LF but his secondary is C,1B,3B,CF and RF

Go into your settings down to the Safari tab go down towards the bottom and clear your entire browser, history. That is how I got mine to start working again.

I’ve pulled more diamonds this year so far then all the other years combined

I made it by June of my first year, it could be the team you play for has a high rated player at the same position. Because one of the irritating things is the game looks at your overall and not stats like it should be

I feel like it’s easier to check this year, seems like the response time is quicker