:moons: 0 / 0 🦠

There were many market top signals. Promoting of btc on tv, newspapers and even radio (in Croatia, wtf!?), people being rugged left and right with memecoins, random pumps of utter shitcoins, celebs on CT, etc., but I chose to ignore it once again. I thought there was more of upside potential. Who knew, eh. Who knows now? Maybe this is just another flush before up, up and away. Long term is probably gonna be just fine. Short term, looks like down to me. Good luck everyone!

Oh no! They borked their carbon footprint. They better compensate through personel diversity and reduce personel fart emission.

Oh come on. You think you are going to be lynched on the streets? Just continue to live normaly. Just don't tell everyone all the time about your sexuality and all good. Drama much?

Consuming it gives temporary mana and health boost.

Everything is run by money, especially sports. Don't act so surprised

Would be interesting to see amount of scrap from solar panels used to get the same amount of energy

While it is witty comeback, truth is probably somwhere in the middle. No new life, no new braincells

Great. Except for pasta, there is not one lunch on that table. Just some weird snacks.

Nice, good job. But to much work and money for that crappy car

I feel solana ecosystem is more USDC oriented. I swap to USDC when i go to stables. Also, USDC is solana native. By all means, correct me if I'm wrong.

:moons: 0 / 0 🦠

People saying it was mostly manipulated by ftx, 3ac and other bad actors, hence ridiculous price action. Who knows

Could not have said it better myself.

Arena Pula, amphiteater in city of Pula, Istria in Croatia. Built around 100 AD. Frequenty used for concerts and similar events. Once they even held a hockey event in there.

D4, west of airbase, small village, by the looks of rocks behind it

No, pEopLe CAn nOt cONtrOLL thE wEAtheR!!! tHErE iS No cHEmTraILs!! ThAT's Just cRAZy coNSpiRaCY tHEorY!!

Are you saying that Trump is for the poor? Or are you saying that these folks got poor under Biden? Or maybe only poor (and stupid?) vote for Trump? Pls, elaborate.